PROMOTIC 8.3 - Release notes
See also:
PROMOTIC system news.
Version 8.3.32 (from 2.7.2020) - stable version
Communication in Sigfox networks: New version of cloud interface
API "v1" was switched off (27.4.2020) and now only the API v2 is available. Business modifications: the 12 month history of messages was removed. Now only 3-day history is available (can be extended to
30 days by payment). Technical modifications: modification of the URL for calling the methods, modification of values representing the time (timestamp in milliseconds since Unix Epoch). Fixed preconfiguration.
Pm.JsonParse method: Bugfix of
JSON parsing. The number is now always stored as
Double data type (previously as
Double data type or
Integer data type)
PmgTrendViewer object: When displaying the value (Label)
- for long names the buffer of 101 characters could overflow and cause malfunction
- the precision mask had only 6 places. When trying to display to many decimal digits only the integer was shown.
Version 8.3.31 (from 1.7.2019) - stable version
MQTT communication protocol: New preconfiguration for the
PmChar communication driver.
The client can be of
Subscriber or
Publisher type (i.e. the preconfiguration can do both reading and writing).
For now, the communication does not support encryption.
Version 8.3.30 (from 5.2.2019) - stable version
PmABradleyDF1 communication driver: Generalization for "
L - Long" type data area.
PmChar communication driver:
Fixed bug: After closing the port the message of the
Slave type was not completed correctly.
Version 8.3.29 (from 28.11.2018) - stable version
Version 8.3.28 (from 16.10.2018) - stable version
PmaCommGroup object:
Fixed bug: Calling the
Refresh method caused interruption of periodical communication of this object.
PmgCanvas object:
Fixed bug: The read value of the color was incorrect (for example of the
strokeStyle property).
Version 8.3.27 (from 12.9.2018) - stable version
PmOmronFINS communication driver: Sometimes after the PLC was switched off and on the driver stopped communicating.
PmChar communication driver:
Fixed bug: For
Etnernet TCP the messages of the
Slave type did not work.
PmElgas2 communication driver:
Fixed bug: Receipt of the message divided into multiple Ethernet packets did not work.
PmABradleyDF1 communication driver: Generalization for
bridge addressing for Ethernet communication. See new "
Addressing type" configurator.
Pm.OtherAppOper method: New parameter
nOper=20 for detecting of position and size of application window.
Version 8.3.26 (from 28.6.2018) - stable version
Pm.DateDiff method: New method - Returns the number of time-spans between two dates
Pm.DateAdd method: New method - Returns a date to which a specified time span has been added
Pm.Trunc method: New method - Returns the integer part of a number (removes any fractional digits)
Pm.Floor method: New method - Returns the largest integer less then or equal to a given number
Pm.Ceil method: New method - Returns the smallest integer greater or equal to a given number
PmgObject.Visible property:
Fixed bug: Sometimes did not work if set in the script or by data binding.
PmgObject.Enabled property:
Fixed bug: Sometimes did not work if set in the script or by data binding.
PmgObject.GetPar method: Generalization by the
nAttr parameter. Now it is possible to enter that the method returns the value as
Long data type (otherwise always returned as
Version 8.3.25 (from 13.6.2018) - stable version
Installation PROMOTIC 8:
Fixed bug: Installation malfunctioned in
Windows OS
XP (bug since
Pm8.3.24 version).
PmModbusMr communication driver:
Fixed bug: Optimization of
PmaCommGroup variables assignment into individual communication messages.
Version 8.3.24 (from 26.4.2018) - stable version
PmModbusMr communication driver:
- Fixed bug: On data receive it was not tested whether the response came from the correct device.
PmChar communication driver:
Fixed bug: Sometimes the driver stopped working when Ethernet connection failed while sending data.
PmMenu object:
Multi level menu can now be created: it is now possible to add a submenu by method
AddMenu("id", "text", "type:menu;")
New preconfigurations:
- Preconfiguration
Databases: Creates
PmaAdo object configured for corresponding database type and two panels as examples for testing and database viewing.
Version 8.3.23 (from 20.11.2017) - stable version
PmLicServer licence server: Extension of runtime period while connection with the licence server is lost from
12 hours to
48 hours
Pm.LicenceInfo method: New functionality of
LicenceInfo(10/11/12) method for detecting time that has passed since the last communication with the licence server.
PmSNMP communication driver:
Fixed bug: In the OID address larger number than
8 388 607 did not work (number to 3 bytes).
PmgWTable object:
Fixed bug: in
Web panels: In
Firefox it was not possible to set the column width to 0.
PmgString object:
Fixed bug: Editing in multiline mode.
PmgWEdit object:
Fixed bug: Editing in multiline mode.
Version 8.3.22 (from 24.10.2017) - stable version
The detection of local setting from Windows OS sometimes did not work correctly causing incorrect setup of the decimal point leading to corrupted reading of the real number.
PmgTrendViewer object:
Fixed bug: in Web panels:
- Improved transition between standard and daylight-saving time.
- Setting the properties
ValueMin and
ValueMax in reversed order caused the scale to flip.
PmgWTable object:
Fixed bug: in
Web panels:
- It is possible to enter now more than one fixed row or column.
- Sometimes the scrollbar was visible while not needed.
PmgRoot.Print method:
Fixed bug: The method did not work when opening the panel.
Version 8.3.21 (from 18.7.2017) - stable version
PmgString object: Improved font smoothing for big fonts (greater than 100px).
PmaDataTable.Sort method: Text sorting is now processed with respect to language localization.
Pm.ScanDate method: Available for
Web panels. Extended for
nFormatType=10 (the input format of date in the form
Version 8.3.20 (from 2.6.2017) - stable version
Version 8.3.19 (from 13.4.2017) - stable version
Web panels: Various bugfixes of Web panels, of alarms, of trends, forms (
PmForm object) etc.
PmaComm.GetProtParam method: Generalization: can now detect ethernet address (
"EthIPAddr"), ethernet port (
"EthPort") and serial port (
PmModbusMr communication driver: Generalization for send
broadcast type message
by means of the PmaCommMsg object, i.e. if the defined
Slave address is 0, then the broadcasted message will be received all stations in the network.
PmMBus communication driver: Generalization for receiving negative values in
BCD code.
PmMelsecQA communication driver:
Fixed bug: In the
3E/ASCII protocol format, the 1 bit value type was not sent correctly.
Version 8.3.18 (from 8.2.2017) - stable version
Version 8.3.17 (from 3.1.2017) - stable version
PmgTrendViewer object:
Web panels - In
Chrome browser, the configuration of trends (colours, styles etc.) is now functional.
PmaAlarmGroup object:
Fixed bug: Correct listing of items sortet backwards in time Filtration string can now be entered also in
Chrome browser on the Web.
PmSNMP communication driver: Generalization for
SNMP version 3 (authorization and encryption).
PmMBus communication driver:
Fixed bug: Value received in the
12 digit BCD format was processed incoreectly.
PmForm object:
Fixed bug: System buttons had only English texts.
Version 8.3.16 (from 24.10.2016) - stable version
Version 8.3.15 (from 30.9.2016) - stable version
INFO system: in the development environment in the
INFO system it is now possible to see complete object tree starting with the
PmaRoot object. Here it is possible to see the licences that are used by each object. In the
PmaRoot object it is possible to see the list of all licences that are needed by the whole application.
PmaDataTable object: The first column can now be defined as
Identifier type. This row identifier can be used for example in the
GetCellValue method for addressing the table cell.
PmForm object:
- In the
PmfString object there are new properties
Multiline and
Subtype. It is now possible to create multi-row input box, static notes, etc.
- In the
PmfSepar object there is a new property
Subtype. It is now possible to insert empty rows between the configurators.
PmaAlarmGroup object: In the history viewer the placement of time navigation buttons has been optimized.
PmSNMP communication driver:
Fixed bug: message of the
SNMP Walk type was sometimes terminated early if some item had
PmOmronFINS communication driver: the
EM register is now supported.
- Formatting of a number with decimal separator: improved bahavior with a decimal point based on the Windows OS settings.
Version 8.3.14 (from 28.7.2016) - stable version
Pm.SelectionDialog method:
Web panels - Generalization for
oExtra parameter that can be entered action to be executed after the selection window is closed. In this case the method is called asynchronously (i.e. does not stop and wait for the window to be closed).
This implementation allows
functionality of this method also in the Chrome Web browser (this browser does not allow synchronous opening of modal windows).
PmgTrendViewer object:
Web panel:
Fixed bug: if
tvTrend was set as invisible in the configuration file, then it was still visible on the Web.
Fixed bug: The
RemoveAllTrends method generated error if no trend was present.
- showing a trend description on the cursor position now including the timestamp - see
Data extensions
Version 8.3.13 (from 27.5.2016) - stable version
Web panels: Simplified
user login on the Web. If incorrect name or password is entered then an error window is displayed. This window contains a button that cen be used to initiate new login attempt.
PmgTrendViewer object: in
Web panels:
Fixed bug: Chart of the
Constant type was not rendered correctly under some settings.
- Fixed bug: Texts rendered next to points were not appearing beneath each other but were overlaping.
PmgCanvas object:
Fixed bug: Memory decrease occured if methods
save and
restore were not called correctly (not in pair).
PmChar communication driver: Generalization for Ethernet
Slave messages.
Pm.IsInt method: Test whether the value is integer
PROMOTIC path to files or folders: New system folder:
#temp:. All temporary files can be stored to this folder and then deleted as needed.
Version 8.3.12 (from 26.2.2016) - stable version
Data binding E - General expression: In expression, it is possible to use also the
pMe variable (object containing this data binding). This variable can be used in the expression to refer to any property of any
Pmg object in this panel.
PmMBus communication driver:
Fixed bug:
24bit Integer type values were received incorrectly.
Calc: The documentation now contains new chapter describing usage
of the Calc database (
Version 8.3.11 (from 19.1.2016) - stable version
Data extensions:
Fixed bug: When
data extensions were modified in the development environment, the changes did not save (bug since
Pm8.3.10 version).
ExtSubVar new object: Allows to enter a subvariable into the variable.
OpenView method: Generalization: in
oExtra.onOpen entry it can be set a method that is called once the panel opening is completed.
PmABradleyDF1 communication driver:
- Now it is possible to enter addresses greater than 254 in ItemId.
- Fixed bug: For EtherNet/IP the STS error flag was not tested.
PmgTrendViewer object: Bugfix vulnerability of this ActiveX object in HTML pages.
New preconfigurations:
- Preconfiguration
Map and area: Displaying and controlling defined points
Version 8.3.10 (from 15.12.2015) - stable version
PmgString object: Is now functional also for German localization setting of the
Windows OS (where the number contains separator of thousands "period").
PmModbusMr communication driver: Generalization for data writing by Modbus function
FN06 (area
PmABradleyDF1 communication driver: Single bit writing is now functional.
PmMBus communication driver: Improved receiving of some values (e.g. values with extended
VIFE used for detecting variable change time).
PmABradleyCIP communication driver:
Fixed bug: Was not possible to receive 2-dimensional array.
Version 8.3.9 (from 19.11.2015) - stable version
Panel editor: Fixed bug:
- It was not possible to move the
PmgLine object if configured vertically or horizontally. The patch has also been included into the version
- If Pmg objects were copied from the Windows clipboard then these Pmg objects were not marked.
PmForm object:
- New type of the
Pmf object - separator, i.e.
PmfSepar object.
PmS7 communication driver:
Fixed bug: Variables from one
PmaCommGroup were sometimes incorrectly distributed among communication messages and then some variables were not transmitted. (bug since
Pm8.3.2 version)
PmABradleyDF1 communication driver:
Fixed bug: The communication did not work if there were variables demanding data from different
DataFile numbers in one
PmaCommGroup object.
Version 8.3.8 (from 1.10.2015) - stable version
Since this version, the
Promotic8.3 is considered
stable. Only necessary bugfixes and new features not affecting system stability will be added to this version.
- Fixed input of localized real numbers (in
Development environment PROMOTIC, Panel editor and in
Pmg objects
PmgWEdit) if the decimal separator was entered as "comma" and separator of thousands as "period" (German localized number input).
PmgCanvas object: New simple
drawing tool has been created. This way it is possible to draw the canvas object and the editor then transforms it to script.
This tool will be developed further in future versions in order to provide more graphic functions and also to read and render canvas scripts.
The canvas drawing tool now can be opened from following locations:
PmList new object: Allows to create a
LIFO and
FIFO list of values in this object.
PmIEC8705 communication driver:
Fixed bug: After 32000 communications were completed, the system re-established the connection unnecessarily.
Version 8.3.7 (from 27.8.2015) - developmental version
- Fixed bug: The version Pm8.3.6 did not work properly in Windows OS XP.
Version 8.3.6 (from 14.8.2015) - developmental version
- The PROMOTIC system has been tested on the released version of the Windows OS 10 and is confirmed to be fully functional.
PmAction new object: Object represents an action that can be executed later.
OpenView method:
Highly generalized panel opening by using the OpenView methods:
- New (fourth) optional
oExtra parameter added to the
OpenView methods. This parameter allows to set properties for opening:
oExtra.onClose (object of the
PmAction type): It can be defined the designer method here that is called when this panel is being closed.
- This generalization
also changes the way the modal windows are created - i.e. windows that block user access to other windows during data entry.
OpenViewModal method is now considered obsolete - this method is "synchronous", i.e. when called the script waits until the window is closed and continues its function after that. This approach is not functional in many Web browsers and the concept itself from the script operation point of view is not correct.
New type of a modal window opening by the
OpenView method (with defined entry
modal:1;) opens the window modaly but the script continues to run. Once the modal window is closed, designer method is called that was defined in the
oExtra.onClose entry
How to work with modal windows.
Modal windows that are open this way are functional fully in all Web browsers.
PmgTrendViewer object:
Fixed bug: in
Web panels:
- Rendering when no trend was connected.
- Rendering when scrolling in the table mode.
PmaWorkspace object: For each
frame there are new "
Minimum width (px)" configurator and "
Minimum height (px)" configurator.
It is important to set these configurators if it is needed to prevent reduction of frame size to zero value. This is necessary when displaying workspace on the Web using small screen (handheld) devices (
Android smatphones ...) where the workspace is displayed in minimal size.
PmS7 communication driver:
Fixed bug: If connection is lost then the
Quality property is overwritten in all variables.
Version 8.3.5 (from 14.5.2015) - developmental version
Web panels:
Fixed bug: The size and position of the panel opened in a new window were not evaluated correctly (i.e. if "target:_blank;").
PmgTrendViewer object:
Fixed bug: While configuring the object the panel editor sometimes failed (bug since
Pm8.3.4 version).
PmIEC8705 communication driver: Generalization by types
ASDU-5 and
PmSNMP communication driver:
Fixed bug: It was not possible to receive variables of the
Unsigned32 type (bug since
Pm8.3.4 version).
Version 8.3.4 (from 22.4.2015) - developmental version
New type of file path entry: In previous versions the paths were defined by the
$.path macro expression. In usual cases this was unnecessarily complicated because the macro expression had always to be evaluated. Therefore it is recommended since this version to enter paths in new format starting with
# character (see
PROMOTIC path to files or folders). The
$.path macro expression is still functional but no longer needed for simple path entry.
PmgCanvas object:
- On the "
Draw" tab it is now possible to create
auxiliary methods for drawing. In the
onDraw event it is no longer neede to write the whole drawing script, but auxiliary methods can be called. This way the drawing script becomes much simpler.
New CanvasCtxExt object for drawing. This object adds the functions of deformation rotation transformations. The object can be accessed via the
pEvent.CtxExt parameter.
PmMap new object: Allows to create new user properties in this (empty at the beginning) object. This is very handy if the designer needs to transfer multiple named values into some method.
PmgTrendViewer object: in
JavaScript panels:
- Improved values rendering of trends by clicking the mouse.
Web panels:
Fixed bug: Bugfixes that conflicted with the old
InternetExplorer 8 browser.
PmBACnet communication driver: Receive and write of the
weekly-schedule property in the
Schedule object is now working.
PmSNMP communication driver:
Fixed bug: Bugfixes of problems with high volumes of data (sende nad receive).
Version 8.3.3 (from 5.3.2015) - developmental version
PmaAlarmGroup object:
- Bugfix when opening alarm/event viewer on the Web. If
$vb was used then in the alarm group identifier the expression was evaluated as empty.
- Bugfix of memory data overwrite on writing into DBF (
DBF alarms) if the written value size exceded the column size in DBF.
Version 8.3.2 (from 2.3.2015) - developmental version
New subfolders will be created in the application folder:
DtBackup: The
Application.pra file backup is saved here. It is functional for
automatic saving editing this file.
Temp: Temporary files (for example created during import/export are saved here.
ExtTrend Data extension: Generalization for possibility to trend just a selected bit in a value (see the "
Value type" configurator).
PmaAlarmGroup object:
- The history data can now be saved also in
Database MySQL cyclic and
Database FireBird cyclic (see the "
Storage type" configurator).
- In the
Acknowledge method, now it is possible to enter the national language of acknowledging user.
- The texts localization for national languages has been improved in Web client.
Web panels:
- Editing is now available in
Touchpad browsers that do not support mouse - for example
Android. These browsers do not support left mouse button double-click that is used for editing in graphic objects
PmgString and
PmgWTable. Now it is possible to edit the
Pmg object content by opening the
Pmg object context menu - i.e. for example in
Android system, by long touch over the
Pmg object.
- Edit mode in the
PmgWEdit object fixed - did not work in
Chrome and
PmaWorkspace object: Now working for the Web as standard HTML page (old concept of
frameset was used before). also the scrollbar function has been fixed on the Web.
PmS7 communication driver:
- New configurators in the protocol parameters:
Connection type: Connection type (specifies whether application connects to PLC as
PG=Programming device or
OP=Operator panel).
- Communication with
LOGO! modules version 8 has been tested. The modules support
S7 protocol since this version so the S7 driver can be used.
PmMBus communication driver:
- Generalization in ItemId the desired Subunit now can be defined.
- New message type (in the
PmaCommMsg object) has been created for reading information about which values can be obtained from the meter.
- Sometimes the "recount to basic physics units" did not work correctly (for VIFE extended type)
- There is now a new
Script wizard in the script editor for simple entry of common statements (
if, for, switch, panel opening, etc.)
- Graphic
ActiveX object Graph (for displaying values in bars, 3D, etc.) is removed from PROMOTIC installation and documentation since this version. This object is considered obsolete and is replaced by the
PmgCanvas object (see preconfigurations in the group
Preconfigurations in group "Trend"). ActiveX object can be downloaded independently from
Version 8.3.1 (from 5.11.2014) - developmental version
Panel editor: Bugfixes in configurators of
Pmg objects. As the configurators were modified in the
Pm8.3 version, some
data bindings or
macro expressions malfunctioned.
PmaPanel object:
Fixed bug: JavaScript panels sometimes caused memory shortages.
Web panels:
- Opening the panel sometimes failed if characters with diacritics (i.e. national dependent characters) were used in panel parameters.
The PmgTrendViewer object in
JavaScript panels: Optimization of requests for large quantities or high frequency of queries.
- Pmg object rendering improved for old Web browser InternetExplorer 8.
- The patch has also been included into the version
PmOmronFINS communication driver:
- This driver can communicate by the
FINS protocol with new PLCs by the
Omron company. The original the
PmOmronC communication driver is used for communication by the
Mode-C protocol.
- Both drivers are licenced by common licence
PmSNMP communication driver:
Fixed bug: Request identifier used wrong format in transmitted data. Only the first 128 messages were trasmitted.
PmModbusMr communication driver:
Fixed bug: Reading and writing bit in the register (i.e. reading and writing area
RoB) did not work correctly.
Version 8.3.0 (from 26.9.2014) - developmental version
Data extensions:
Data extension is now an object with scripting interface.
- The data extension object can also be addressed in the object path by means
of the Data extensions identifier.
PmaCommGroup object:
The ""onDataReceive" event" configurator can be set to "
A = call for all registered variables (in this object and also in other PmaData objects)".
This way it is possible to check any change of any variable in the
onDataReceive event.
PmaOpcDaClientGroup object:
The ""onDataReceive" event" configurator can be set to "
A = trigger the event for all registered variables (in this object and also in other PmaData objects)". This way it is possible to check any change of any variable in the
onDataReceive event.
Macro expression: In configurators where macro expression can be entered, there is a new button on the left (similar to data binding button) that can be used for composing a macro expression by configuration.
Development environment:
- In the object configuration window, there is an object path indicated on the up. Clicking this path can be used to navigate to any other object. This way it is possible to switch between object easily.
- Editing by keyboard (without mouse) is now supported: After pressing the Alt key shows the shortcut letters for each configurator and after pressing the letter the focus is moved to the selected configurator. The concept of such letter is hiearachic, i.e. some letter may represent a set of configurators and after pressing such letter another letters are indicated for sub-configurators. This way it is possible to move around quickly while designing an application.
- The "
Object accessible via variable" configurator is now considered obsolete and therefore it is hidden in new apps and in applications that did not use it.
PmgRoot new object: new object that represents the whole graphic content of the panel.
- Each object has a new script
PmgObject.Root property that can be used to access to the
PmgRoot object in any event.
PmgRoot.onViewerResize event: In this event, it is possible to dynamically increase / decrease size and move objects in order to optimize the items displayed in the window of specific size.
PmgObject.onModeChange event: New event in each
Pmg object informs that:
- there is a mouse cursor hovering over the object
- the object got focus
PmaPanel object:
- Many properties in this object are now considered obsolete because these properties are now contained in the
PmgRoot object. Based on the fact that one panel can now be opened multiple times these properties in this object are no longer relevant.
- The option to save graphic content as template for other panels has been disabled. All such panels are converted automatically, i.e. this graphic content is copied into all
PmaPanel objects that used such template. As for templates, it is better to use the
PmaPrototype object.
Alarm and Event system:
The history can now be saved also to Database MS SQL Server cyclic and Database Oracle cyclic (see the "
Storage type" configurator).
- History viewer:
- The scrollbar has been replaced by buttons "up" and "down".
- Sorting by the time of origin is now functional, i.e. new alarms now can be displayed on up.
- The state and history viewer can now be opened multiple times, i.e. to have a small window permanently open and open large window sometimes.
Panel editor:
- In configurators, where
data binding is defined, such data binding is displayed in text form under the configurator and can be edited directly. This can speed up its editing or copying.
Network licence key: Now a single
swk file can contain a "
multilicence", i.e. single file can be shared by multiple applications.
PmaComm.GetCount method: Can be used for counting the total number of communication transfers.