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Folders and files of the PROMOTIC application

List of files created while the application is being developed:
Application.pra: Application data (the most important application file). All data edited by the development environment PROMOTIC are stored here. PRA file extension is registered during the installation of PROMOTIC into the Windows system.
Application.ini: Text INI file where some basic application parameters can be found.
See: Application INI file description (Application.ini).
This file can be viewed in the development environment in the menu " > Open application file > Application.ini".
Application.log: Text file where the application runtime data are written in runtime.
The content can be configured in the Application.ini file in the [Log] section.
This file can be viewed in the development environment in the menu " > Open application file > Application.log".
Application.log.old: Last backup of the Application.log file
Application_RtStop.log: Text file that is used for writing the status of the INFO system in the PmaRoot.onAppStopEnd event in runtime.
This file can be viewed in the development environment in the menu " > Open application file > Application_RtStop.log".
Application.lck: Auxiliary empty file, that serves as a lock for runtime environment.
Application_Dt.ini: Text INI file where some parameters of the development environment are stored.
Application_Dt.log: Text file that is created for writing if error occurs in the development environment.
MyObject.pmg: Pmg object created by designer in the graphics editor stored into the preconfigurations is stored directly in the application folder.
If it was stored into the group, then it is stored in the subfolder of the application folder.

List of subfolders created while the application is being developed:
Cfg: Path to the application configuration files folder. See the "#cfg: - to configuration files" configurator.
Data: Path to the data files folder of the application. See the "#data: - to data files" configurator.
Resource: Path to the resources folder (images, sounds, ..) of the application. See the "#appres: - to resources (resources: jpg,gif,avi,wav,...)" configurator.
Temp: Path to temporary and auxiliary files of the development environment and runtime. See the "#temp: - to temporary files" configurator.
DtBackup: Path to backups (especially to the PRA file containing the whole application) that are created by the development environment either automatically, or on demand. The application PRA file backup is created if:
1) The application is converting from older to newer version. The existing PRA file is renamed as backup. For example Application.pra_080301_conversion
2) The whole application is saved (SaveAll). A copy of the PRA file is created and named as backup. For example Application.pra_080301_20150218_130000_user
3) Automatically periodically if data is written into the PRA file. A copy of the PRA file is created and named as backup. For example Application.pra_080301_20150218_130000_auto

Files essential for application recovery (used for backup)

The following files are essential for the creation of full application backup:

What needs to be transferred or installed on the computer intended only for the application runtime?
1) Everything (simpler option):
a) PROMOTIC version
b) All files of the created application
c) Additional files created by the designer (sound, database, etc.)

2) Only the files required by the application runtime:
a) PROMOTIC version
b) Only the following files from the created project:
- Application.pra
- Application.ini
c) Additional files created by the designer (sound, database, etc.)

What needs to be transferred or installed on the computer intended for the application development and runtime?
a) PROMOTIC version
b) All files of the created project
c) Additional files created by the designer (sound, database, etc.)

Pm8.03.02: New subfolders will be created in the application folder:
- DtBackup: The Application.pra file backup is saved here. It is functional for automatic saving editing this file.
- Temp: Temporary files (for example created during import/export are saved here.
Pm8.01.07: When opening corrupted application (the Application.pra file), the application now does not crash with an error, but displays a report and terminates properly.
PROMOTIC 9.0.29 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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- Folders and files of the PROMOTIC application
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