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Object PmaCommMsg (Communication message)

See: PmaCommMsg - Deatiled object description

The object serves to the definition of the format and data of one communication message.

No other Pma objects can be created in this object.
The PmaCommMsg object can be created only in the PmaComm object (if the selected protocol supports the usage of the PmaCommMsg object). There can be even more PmaCommMsg objects in the PmaComm object.
This object adds variables for calculation of the application size, which influences the basic runtime licence type/size (see: Licences for PROMOTIC runtime environment).
This object inherits properties, methods and events of the PmaObject object.
Properties and methods of this object:
AutoRunEnabledEnable/disable the automated transmissions
AutoRunPeriodThe period of automated transmissions
GetCount()Returns the number of transfers
GetReady()Detects whether the PmaCommMsg object is ready to transfer the message
GetVarCount()Returns the number of variables in the object
LastErrError number of the last message transfer
LastTextErrText error description of last message transfer
ReadVars()Access to variables on the "Data-received" tab
Run()Command for transferring the message (only for messages of the Master type)
WriteVars()Access to variables on the "Data-sent" tab
Properties and methods inherited from the PmaObject object:
AddEvent()Registers a function into the specified event
GetOwnedByIndex()Returns the subobject defined by its index
GetOwnedByName()Returns reference to the subobject defined by its name
GetOwnedByType()Returns an array of references to the subobjects
GetOwnedNum()Returns number of subobjects in the object
GetPar()Reading the value of the Pma object parameter (or its parents)
GetPathName()Object name with the path to this object
GetPermission()Returns permission of corresponding operation from object
MethodsAccess to designer methods of this object
NameObject name (without the path)
ParentReturns reference to the parent Pma object
Pm()Returns reference to the Pma object or to its implementation subobject
RemoveEvent()Unregisters the function in the specified event
RootReturns reference to the root application object PmaRoot
Events of this object:
onBeginOfTransferIs triggered always before transmitting the Master message starts
onDataReceiveIs triggered after the successful data reading
onEndOfTransferIs triggered after the transfer of the whole message
Events inherited from the PmaObject object:
onStartIs triggered for each object in runtime only once at the beginning
onStopIs triggered for each Pma object in runtime only once at the stop of the application
Configuration tabs:
ObjectGeneral information about the object
EventsDefinition of object events algorithms
ParametersDefinition of the communication message parameters
Data-sentList of variables for the write
Data-receivedList of variables to receive
Related objects:
PmVar(Variable) Object represents one data item of the object

Pm9.00.00: Object name changed: PmCommMsg -> PmaCommMsg
Pm8.00.07: New configurators AutoRun transfer enabled and Transfer period [ms]. For communication by this object, in common cases, is not necessary call the Run method in the timer.
Pm8.00.01: New "AutoRun transfer enabled" configurator and a new the onBeginOfTransfer event allows to simplify the launching of periodical Master messages.
PROMOTIC 9.0.29 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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