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Object PmaWebDir (Web access to the folder on the disk with its files)

See: PmaWebDir - Deatiled object description

This object implements the Web component that provides basic file services, like transfer of HTML pages and files connected to them (e.g. *.gif, *.jpg ...).
By the keywords it is possible to complete the HTML pages before sending to the client for example by current data.

No other Pma objects can be created in this object.
The PmaWebDir object can be created in objects: PmaWeb, PmaWebLang, PmaWebFolder, PmaPanel. There can be even more PmaWebDir objects in these objects.
The client requiring data from this Web component is of the PmDataClient type from the licence point of view.
This object inherits properties, methods and events of the PmaObject object.
Properties and methods of this object:
Vars()Access to keywords values
Properties and methods inherited from the PmaObject object:
AddEvent()Registers a function into the specified event
GetOwnedByIndex()Returns the subobject defined by its index
GetOwnedByName()Returns reference to the subobject defined by its name
GetOwnedByType()Returns an array of references to the subobjects
GetOwnedNum()Returns number of subobjects in the object
GetPar()Reading the value of the Pma object parameter (or its parents)
GetPathName()Object name with the path to this object
GetPermission()Returns permission of corresponding operation from object
MethodsAccess to designer methods of this object
NameObject name (without the path)
ParentReturns reference to the parent Pma object
Pm()Returns reference to the Pma object or to its implementation subobject
RemoveEvent()Unregisters the function in the specified event
RootReturns reference to the root application object PmaRoot
Events of this object:
onPageActionIs triggered after sending parameters and data from the HTML document into the PROMOTIC application
onPageLoadIs triggered before loading the file
onPageModifyIs triggered for the possibility to change the sent text document
Events inherited from the PmaObject object:
onStartIs triggered for each object in runtime only once at the beginning
onStopIs triggered for each Pma object in runtime only once at the stop of the application
Configuration tabs:
ObjectGeneral information about the object
EventsDefinition of object events algorithms
WebDirSetting the parameters for searching HTML pages on the disk
PermissionsObject permissions
KeywordsDefinition of keywords

Pm9.00.00: Object name changed: PmWebDir -> PmaWebDir
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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