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GetInfo - method of the PmaObject object

Returns the Info object with the specified name.
This method is obsolete (but functional) and it is better to replace it with the procedure described in the examples:
Object GetInfo(String sName)
sName(String) Name of the Info object. Each Pma object can provide more Info objects that just differ by their name.
The GetInfo method is useful only for providing the Info object into the PmgWTable object in the meantime. This object can then display the data from the object automatically, only for the refresh of the visualized data it is necessary to call the PmgWTable.Draw method.
Provided Info objects are as follows:
Pma object: Name of the Info object: The meaning of the Info object:
PmaDatabase "data" Provides the data table contained in the database to which this object is bound
PmaDataTable "data" Provides the data table that is in this object
See also:
It is necessary to bind the data in the Pma object "/Data/MyDataTable" with the PmgWTable object. In the panel, on the "Methods" tab, a The designer "GetDataInfo" method is created. This method contains the following script:
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return pMe.Pm("/Data/MyDataTable").GetInfo("data");
In the initialization of the Pmg object (in the onStart event) is the following script: Thus the PmgWTable object is by the FillFromInfo method filled up by the information about the object "/Data/MyDataTable" and the bind parameter specifies that this binding has to be kept all the time of the visualization. Now it is enough for example in the onRefresh event of this object to call only the Draw method that finds out new values from the Info object and displays them on the screen in the Pmg object:
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var aDataInfo = pMe.PmPanel.Methods.GetDataInfo();
pMe.FillFromInfo(aDataInfo, "bind");
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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