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Object PmgCanvas (Drawing canvas)

See: PmgCanvas - Deatiled object description

The PmgCanvas object allows to draw both veri simple and complex animated shapes in 2D graphics. The drawing is controlled by script (JavaScript) in the onDraw event and by using the methods and properties of the CanvasCtx drawing area (eventually by extension object CanvasCtxExt). It allows to draw simple images (for example icons), but also complex animated graphics (animated meters, etc.).
This object inherits properties, methods and events of the PmgObject object.
Properties and methods of this object:
CtxReset()Set CanvasCtx into non-initialized empty state
Properties and methods inherited from the PmgObject object:
AddEvent()Registers a function into the specified event
Blink()Starts/stops blinking of the Pmg object
DxWidth of the Pmg object
DyHeight of the Pmg object
EnabledEnable/disable the control, i.e. user's inputs to the object
FocusDetects/set the focus of the Pmg object
GetChildByIndex()Returns the nested Pmg object defined by order
GetChildCount()Returns the number of nested Pmg objects
GetPathName()Object name with the path to this object
GetItemInfo()Returns special information regarding the Pmg object
GetPar()Reading the value of the Pmg object parameter (or its parents)
IniDxInitial width of the Pmg object
IniDyInitial height of the Pmg object
IniXInitial X-position of the left upper corner of the Pmg object relative to superior object
IniYInitial Y-position of the left upper corner of the Pmg object relative to superior object
Items()Returns reference to Pmg object
MethodsAccess to designer methods of this object
MouseOnIdentification if the mouse cursor finds itself over the Pmg object
NameThe name of the Pmg object
ParentReturns reference to the parent Pmg object
Pm()Returns the Pma object (obsolete)
PmPanelReturns reference to the PmaPanel object where the Pmg object is placed
Refresh()Refresh of the Pmg object
RemoveEvent()Unregisters the function in the specified event
RootReturns reference to the root PmgRoot object
ShowMenu()Opens context menu of the Pmg object
ScreenXX-coordinate of the left upper corner of the Pmg object relative to computer screen
ScreenYY-coordinate of the left upper corner of the Pmg object relative to computer screen
ToolTipTooltip text of the Pmg object
Vars()Returns the variable of the Pmg object
ViewXPosition of X-coordinate of the left upper corner of the Pmg object relative to the PmgRoot object
ViewYPosition of the Y-coordinate of the left upper corner of the Pmg object relative to the PmgRoot object
VisibleSets the visibility/invisibility of the Pmg object
XX-coordinate of the left upper corner of the Pmg object relative to superior Pmg object
YY-coordinate of the left upper corner of the Pmg object relative to superior Pmg object
Events inherited from the PmgObject object:
onStartIs triggered on the construction of the Pmg object in the course of opening the panel
onStopIs triggered on the destruction of the Pmg object in the course of closing the panel
onRefreshIs triggered on the data refresh of the Pmg object
onKeyPressIs triggered after pressing or releasing the key of the keyboard
onMousePressIs triggered after pressing or releasing the left mouse button
onMenuFillIs triggered after pressing by the right mouse button over the Pmg object
onMenuSelectIs triggered on the selection of the item from the Pmg object context menu
onModeChangeIs triggered when the Pmg object mode changes
onFocusInIs triggered if the object receives focus
onFocusOutIs triggered if the object loses focus
Configuration tabs:
ObjectGeneral information about the object
PositionSetting the position, width and height of the Pmg object
VariablesList and configuration of user defined Pmg object variables
EventsAlgorithms definition for the object events
MethodsDefinition of designer method of the Pmg object
DrawThe onDraw event for drawing into the CanvasCtx drawing area.
CanvasProperties of the PmgCanvas object.
See also:
- CanvasCtx (object)
- CanvasCtxExt (object)
- The onDraw event

Pm9.00.00: Object name changed: PmiCanvas -> PmgCanvas
Pm8.03.28: Fixed bug: The read value of the color was incorrect (for example of the strokeStyle property).
Pm8.03.13: Fixed bug: Memory decrease occured if methods save and restore were not called correctly (not in pair).
Pm8.03.08: New simple drawing tool has been created. This way it is possible to draw the canvas object and the editor then transforms it to script.
This tool will be developed further in future versions in order to provide more graphic functions and also to read and render canvas scripts.
The canvas drawing tool now can be opened from following locations:
- Select preconfiguration / Image / Drawing PmgCanvas graphics or
- On the "Draw" tab - when creating new method select option "draw PmgCanvas image" or
- On the "Draw" tab - in the script editor context menu select Canvas editor ....
- On the "Draw" tab it is now possible to create auxiliary methods for drawing. In the onDraw event it is no longer neede to write the whole drawing script, but auxiliary methods can be called. This way the drawing script becomes much simpler.
- New CanvasCtxExt object for drawing. This object adds the functions of deformation rotation transformations. The object can be accessed via the pEvent.CtxExt parameter.
Pm8.02.11: new preconfigurations for intelligent valves and pumps.
Pm8.02.07: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.29 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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