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Object PmgTrendViewer (Trend viewer)

See: PmgTrendViewer - Deatiled object description

Graphic Object used for viewing trends.

The whole panel containing this object used for viewing the trends including trend list table, the instrumental buttons, etc. can be created easily - see Preconfiguration "Trend viewer with header and control".
This object inherits properties, methods and events of the PmgObject object.
Properties and methods of this object:
Action()Performs the action in the trend viewer
AddServer()Registration of server into the list in the viewer
AddTrend()Creates a new object of the tvTrend type
AutoscrollEnable/disable Autoscroll
AutoscrollRatePeriod of reading data in seconds while autoscroll is switched on
AutoscrollSizeHow much to scroll
AutoscrollSizeUnitUnit of the AutoscrollSize property values
AutoscrollTypeAutomatic scroll type
BackgroundColorBackground color of the viewer
CompressTypeEvaluation type for the data compression
CursorColorColor of the cursor
CursorTimeTime referring to vertical cursor line
CursorTimeColorColor of the cursor label time
CursorTimeLocationCursor time location
CursorTypeCursor type, its appearance
DataTimeoutMaximum time to wait for data
DlgTrends()Opens the window for runtime configuration of the trend viewer
Draw()Redrawing of whole object
FindTrend()Search for object of the tvTrend type
GetCfg()Returns current values of configuration data of the viewer and displayed trends
GetState()Returns viewer state
GetStateText()Returns current state of the viewer in text form
GraphInitReturns tvGraph object - initializing object for drawing
GridTimeReturns object of the tvGrid type (vertical lines of the time axis grid)
GridValueReturns object of the tvGrid type (horizontal lines of grid on the value axis)
InsertTrend()Creates a new object of the tvTrend type
LastCfgSrcReference to recently loaded configuration file
LastCfgTitleThe name of the recently loaded configuration file
LastErrNumeric code of the last risen error
LastErrTextText of the last risen error
LoadCfg()Loading configuration data to the viewer
PointsMaxVisibleCountMaximum number of displayed points in viewer range
ReadData()Sending the request for current data
RemoveAllTrends()Deletes all trends
RemoveTrend()Removes the specified trend
SaveCfg()Saving current configuration data of the viewer
SaveToHtm()Creates an HTML page for data of the viewer
ScaleTimeReturns object of the tvScale type (time scale)
ScaleValueReturns object of the tvScale type (value scale)
ScrollTime()Scroll of the viewer on the time axis
ScrollValue()Scroll of the viewer on the value axis
SetUserControl()Enables/disables the user control of the viewer
TableHeadBgColorBackground color of head in the table mode
TableHeadFontFont of head legends in the table mode
TableHeadRowHighHeight of head row in the table mode
TableHeadTextColorColor of head legends in the table mode
TableOper()Setting some parameters in the table mode
TableRowHighHeight of data row in the table mode
TableTimeBgColorBackground color of time column in the table mode
TableTimeColumnWidthWidth of time column in the table mode
TableTimeFontFont of time column in the table mode
TableTimeFormatFormat of time column values in the table mode
TableTimeFormatTypeFormat type of time column values in the table mode
TableTimeTextColorColor of time column values in the table mode
TimeMaxTime of viewer right edge
TimeMinTime of viewer left edge
TimeSetTypeType of input time values in viewer methods
TimeTypeType of values on horizontal axis (time or number)
TimeZoomMaxMaximum value of viewer time axis range
TimeZoomMaxForPointsMaximum value of viewer time axis range for displaying points
TimeZoomMaxForValuesMaximum value of the range (length) of the time axis of the viewer for displaying point values.
TimeZoomMinMinimum value of viewer time axis range
TimeZoomMinForCompressMinimum range of viewer time axis range for displaying calculated of values
TrendActiveIndex of active tvTrend object
TrendAreaReturns tvTrendArea object (trends area)
Trends()Returns tvTrend object
TrendsCountReturns number of tvTrend subobjects
ValueZoomModeValue axis range setup method
ViewModeSwitches from/to the table mode
ZoomTime()Change of the range, viewer zoom on the time axis
ZoomValue()Zooming trends on the value axis
Properties and methods inherited from the PmgBox object:
BorderTypeType of the box border
BorderWidthWidth of the box border
ColorDarkDark color of the 3D Pmg object border
ColorItemBackground color of the box
ColorLightLight color of the 3D Pmg object border
Properties and methods inherited from the PmgObject object:
AddEvent()Registers a function into the specified event
Blink()Starts/stops blinking of the Pmg object
DxWidth of the Pmg object
DyHeight of the Pmg object
EnabledEnable/disable the control, i.e. user's inputs to the object
FocusDetects/set the focus of the Pmg object
GetChildByIndex()Returns the nested Pmg object defined by order
GetChildCount()Returns the number of nested Pmg objects
GetPathName()Object name with the path to this object
GetItemInfo()Returns special information regarding the Pmg object
GetPar()Reading the value of the Pmg object parameter (or its parents)
IniDxInitial width of the Pmg object
IniDyInitial height of the Pmg object
IniXInitial X-position of the left upper corner of the Pmg object relative to superior object
IniYInitial Y-position of the left upper corner of the Pmg object relative to superior object
Items()Returns reference to Pmg object
MethodsAccess to designer methods of this object
MouseOnIdentification if the mouse cursor finds itself over the Pmg object
NameThe name of the Pmg object
ParentReturns reference to the parent Pmg object
Pm()Returns the Pma object (obsolete)
PmPanelReturns reference to the PmaPanel object where the Pmg object is placed
Refresh()Refresh of the Pmg object
RemoveEvent()Unregisters the function in the specified event
RootReturns reference to the root PmgRoot object
ShowMenu()Opens context menu of the Pmg object
ScreenXX-coordinate of the left upper corner of the Pmg object relative to computer screen
ScreenYY-coordinate of the left upper corner of the Pmg object relative to computer screen
ToolTipTooltip text of the Pmg object
Vars()Returns the variable of the Pmg object
ViewXPosition of X-coordinate of the left upper corner of the Pmg object relative to the PmgRoot object
ViewYPosition of the Y-coordinate of the left upper corner of the Pmg object relative to the PmgRoot object
VisibleSets the visibility/invisibility of the Pmg object
XX-coordinate of the left upper corner of the Pmg object relative to superior Pmg object
YY-coordinate of the left upper corner of the Pmg object relative to superior Pmg object
Events of this object:
onCursorTimeChangeIs triggered when time on vertical cursor line position changed
onDataTrendReadyIs triggered when viewer got data from server
onMouseAreaIs triggered by clicking the mouse into the graph drawing area by the mouse
onReadDataIs triggered any time when viewer asks for new data
onTimeChangeIs triggered when begin or end time of viewer changed
onTrendParamsChangeIs triggered on viewer start or if basic parameter of one of tvTrend objects has been changed
onErrorIs triggered if error occured in the viewer
Events inherited from the PmgObject object:
onStartIs triggered on the construction of the Pmg object in the course of opening the panel
onStopIs triggered on the destruction of the Pmg object in the course of closing the panel
onRefreshIs triggered on the data refresh of the Pmg object
onKeyPressIs triggered after pressing or releasing the key of the keyboard
onMousePressIs triggered after pressing or releasing the left mouse button
onMenuFillIs triggered after pressing by the right mouse button over the Pmg object
onMenuSelectIs triggered on the selection of the item from the Pmg object context menu
onModeChangeIs triggered when the Pmg object mode changes
onFocusInIs triggered if the object receives focus
onFocusOutIs triggered if the object loses focus
Related objects:
tvTrendArea(TrendViewer area) Object represents area where graphs are drawn
tvGraph(TrendViewer graph) The object for drawing trend
tvGrid(TrendViewer grid) Object that represents grid lines
tvPoints(TrendViewer points) Object that holds data points of trend
tvScale(TrendViewer scale) Object represents a scale
tvTicks(TrendViewer scale ticks) Object for configuration of scale ticks or grid lines layout
tvTrend(TrendsView trend) Object represents one trend variable
Configuration tabs:
ObjectGeneral information about the object
PositionSetting the position, width and height of the Pmg object
VariablesList and configuration of user defined Pmg object variables
EventsAlgorithms definition for the object events
MethodsDefinition of designer method of the Pmg object
BoxSetting the background area of the Pmg object
ViewerTrend viewer basic parameters setup
TrendsCreate and edit a list of trends
AppearanceAppearance setup of individual parts of the trend viewer.

Pm9.00.14: Modified preconfiguration controls, added context menu in the viewer and new function for displaying values of the active trend as a table in a new window.
Pm9.00.08: It allows to connect to HTTPS servers
Pm9.00.05: When displaying the value (Label)
- for long names the buffer of 101 characters could overflow and cause malfunction
- the precision mask had only 6 places. When trying to display to many decimal digits only the integer was shown.
Pm9.00.00: Object name changed: PmiAx-TrendsView -> PmgTrendViewer
Pm8.03.29: Fixed bug: for Web panels
Pm8.03.22: Fixed bug: in Web panels:
- Improved transition between standard and daylight-saving time.
- Repeated calling the RemoveAllTrends method did not work.
- Setting the properties ValueMin and ValueMax in reversed order caused the scale to flip.
Pm8.03.20: Fixed bug: Web panels - Trends can now be viewed also from other PROMOTIC applications.
Pm8.03.17: Web panels - In Chrome browser, the configuration of trends (colours, styles etc.) is now functional.
Pm8.03.14: Web panel:
- The "PmgTrendViewer > Value axis grid > Line type" configurator is now functional.
- Fixed bug: if tvTrend was set as invisible in the configuration file, then it was still visible on the Web.
- Fixed bug: The RemoveAllTrends method generated error if no trend was present.
- showing a trend description on the cursor position now including the timestamp - see SetUserControl("click:showvaltimename(trend=all)").
Pm8.03.13: in Web panels:
- Fixed bug: Chart of the Constant type was not rendered correctly under some settings.
- Fixed bug: Texts rendered next to points were not appearing beneath each other but were overlaping.
Pm8.03.11: Bugfix vulnerability of this ActiveX object in HTML pages.
Pm8.03.07: Fixed bug: in Web panels: sometimes did not render correctly in the Chrome Web browser.
Pm8.03.06: Fixed bug: in Web panels:
- Rendering when no trend was connected.
- Rendering when scrolling in the table mode.
Pm8.03.05: Fixed bug: While configuring the object the panel editor sometimes failed (bug since Pm8.3.4 version).
Pm8.03.04: in JavaScript panels:
- Improved values rendering of trends by clicking the mouse.
Pm8.02.16: Bugfixes and improvements in JavaScript panels.
- The printing in the table mode used incorrect formatting.
- Trend printing from Web browser is now functional by methods SaveToHtm and Pm.PrintHtmlPage. The print button in the preconfiguration of the trend viewer is now configured correctly.
- Several rendering bugfixes.
Pm8.02.14: In JavaScript panels:
- The scale background color is now functional (the "Background color" configurator).
- The CursorTime and CursorValue properties are now functional.
- The onCursorTimeChange event is now functional.
Pm8.02.13: emulated in HTML (i.e. in JavaScript panels):
- The time is now displayed on mouse cursor.
- Bugfix in the AddTrend method.
Pm8.02.12: emulated in HTML (i.e. in JavaScript panels):
- The TimeMin and TimeMax properties are now functional
- Table view of trends is now functional
- sometimes the SaveCfg and LoadCfg methods did not work (bug since Pm8.1.5 version).
- The SaveToHtm method did not work on the Web.
- The autoscroll stopped if the time was changed from standard time to daylight-saving time.
Pm8.01.04: Flickering of axis descriptors when filling graphs with large number of points has been removed.
- converted to Unicode.
- The LoadCfg method: may now contain the "serverfile.tg:" option allowing to read the group by unified way both locally and on the Web.
Pm8.00.09: Fixed bug: on the Web, it was not possible to add new trends manually.
PROMOTIC 9.0.29 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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