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Basic control of script editor

The script editor is a specialized text editor with script entry support, as a color highlight of the code and the PmAutocomplete - Automatic text completion function for automatic text completion.

Key shortcuts

Key shortcuts for moving the cursor:
Note: If you move the cursor by the key shortcut together with the Shift key, then the cursor moves and the text is marked at the same time.
- <left key>: cursor one character left
- <right key>: cursor one character right
- <up key>: cursor one line up
- <down key>: cursor one line down
- <Home>: cursor to the beginning of line
- <End>: cursor to the end of line
- <PageUp>: cursor one page back
- <PageDown>: cursor one page forward
- <Ctrl-Left>: cursor one word back
- <Ctrl-Right>: cursor one word forward
- <Ctrl-Home>: cursor to the beginning of page
- <Ctrl-End>: cursor to the end of page
- <Ctrl-PageUp>: cursor to the beginning of the whole script
- <Ctrl-PageDown>: cursor to the end of the whole script

Other key shortcuts:
- <Ctrl-W>: Script wizard
- <Ctrl-space>: Activate the PmAutocomplete - Automatic text completion function
- <Ctrl-S>: (Save) Save edited script
- <Ctrl-F>: (Find) Search for the appearance(s) of selected or entered text in the script
- <Ctrl-H> or <Ctrl-R>: (Replace) Replaces the searched text with another in the script
- <Ctrl-Z> or <Ctrl-Backspace>: (Undo) Undo the last edit action
- <Ctrl-Y>: (Redo) Redo the edit action cancelled by Undo
- <F1>: Displays the PROMOTIC documentation
- <F3>: Search for the next occurrence of the last searched text (without the search window)
- <F11>: Maximizes/de-maximizes active tab.
- <Ctrl-C> or <Ctrl-Ins>: Copies the selected text into the Windows clipboard
- <Ctrl-V> or <Shift-Ins>: Inserts the text from the Windows clipboard to the selected position
- <Ctrl-X>: Cuts the selected text and puts it into the Windows clipboard
- <Ctrl-P>: Print the script with printer selection window
- <Tab>: Moves the selected block to the right
- <Shift-Tab>: Moves the selected block to the left
- <Ctrl-[+]>: Increase the font size in editor
- <Ctrl-[-]>: Decrease the font size in editor
- <Esc>: If the editor runs in fullscreen mode, then it is switched into normal mode.

Shortcuts for mouse

- <Ctrl-mouse wheel>: Increase or decrease the font size in editor
- <left mouse button double-click>: Select the whole word under the cursor position

Script editor context menu

- Script wizard ... (Ctrl+W): Script composition wizard
- Canvas editor ... (Ctrl+L, Ctrl+E): Opens graphic editor for the PmgCanvas object.
- Manager of application scripts ... (Ctrl+L, Ctrl+M): Viewing, editing, searching and testing of scripts in the PROMOTIC application
- Test script (Ctrl+L, Ctrl+T): Runs the script syntax check (i.e. it checks the algorithm written in this editor). It will run only the basic check of the VBScript language syntax. This test is not checking the existence of objects, methods, properties, variables, etc.

- Comment block (Ctrl+L, Ctrl+C): Comment char is inserted at the beginning of each marked line of the block. See VBScript statement Rem.
- Uncomment block (Ctrl+L, Ctrl+U): Comment char is removed from beginning of each marked line of the block (if there is no comment char, then nothing happens)
- Move block right (Tab): Moves the selected block to the right
- Move block left (Shift+Tab): Moves the selected block to the left

- Find ... (Ctrl+F): Search for the appearance(s) of selected or entered text in the script
- Replace ... (Ctrl+H): Replaces the searched text with another in the script
- Go to line ... (Ctrl+G): Moves the text cursor to the beginning of the selected line.

- Cut (Ctrl+X): Cuts the selected text and puts it into the Windows clipboard
- Copy (Ctrl+C): Copies the selected text into the Windows clipboard
- Paste (Ctrl+V): Inserts the text from the Windows clipboard to the selected position

- Undo (Ctrl+Z): Undo the last edit action
- Redo (Ctrl+Y): Redo the edit action cancelled by Undo

- Print ... (Ctrl+P): Print the script with printer selection window
- Help: Displays the PROMOTIC documentation
- Script editor settings ...: Script editor settings

Pm8.03.23: In the context menu of script editor there is a new option Manager of application scripts ... that opens the viewer for displaying of event scripts and methods of any Pma object or Pmg object.
Pm8.00.03: The PmAutocomplete functionality has been added. When creating the scripts, the system now offers you a list of methods and properties of corresponding objects and thus simplyfies the script creation. This functionality will be further improved in following versions.
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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