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Object ExtEvent

An extension of the PmVar variable of the PmaData object for connection to the PmaEventGroup object for automated generation of events.
Properties and methods:
EventReturns the PmEventItem object
ExtIdData extension identifier
VarReturns the PmVar object
Configuration windows:
ExtEventData extension configuration
Caution! In order to create user defined event description (desc) can be used Macro expression, that is evaluated with EVERY activation of such event. Macro expression $.expr allows to access the script interface of data extension via the pDE variable. The pVar property returns the PmVar object. This allows to create an event description that may be different with each activation and may even contain a name, current value of the variable, etc. (pVar.Name, pVar.Value). See examples.

Format of saving the data extension in the form of a text string:
The content of complete of data extension (all configurators) can be saved in the form of single text string. See Format of saving the data extension in the form of a text string.
- Id: see the "Data extension identifier" configurator
- PmaObject: see the "Target object (PmaEventGroup)" configurator
- Template: see the "Event template" configurator
- Source: see the "Event source (source)" configurator
- Desc: see the "Event description (desc)" configurator
- ActWhen: see the "Activate the event if" configurator
- ValType: see the "Value type" configurator
- BitIndex: see the "Specifies the bit number for testing" configurator
- EventId: see the "Event identifier" configurator
See also:
- ExtAlarmAnalog (object)
- ExtAlarmBinary (object)

Pm8.03.00: Created
Pm8.02.00: new data extension that allows to create an event for the PmaEventGroup object on writing into the variable. It is similar as for ExtAlarmBinary.
PROMOTIC 9.0.29 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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