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Object ExtAlarmAnalog

An extension of the PmVar variable of the PmaData object for connection to the PmaAlarmGroup object for alarm the overruning the defined limits of numeric value.
Two upper and two lower limit values exceeding can be alarmed using this data extension.
The first (high/low) limit is usually called the "technological limit", the second is called "device limit".
Each limit watching can be set separately, but there is in fact no sense to enable the second limit without enabling the first.
Properties and methods:
ActLimReturns the flag indicating which limit is currently active
AlarmReturns the PmAlarmItem object
ExtIdData extension identifier
Max1Value of the upper limit 1
Max2Value of the upper limit 2
MaxHHysteresis value of the upper limits 1 and 2
Min1Value of the lower limit 1st
Min2Value of the lower limit 2nd
MinHHysteresis value of the lower limits 1 and 2
RefreshState()Alarm state evaluation
VarReturns the PmVar object
Configuration windows:
ExtAlarmAnalogData extension configuration
Format of saving the data extension in the form of a text string:
The content of complete of data extension (all configurators) can be saved in the form of single text string. See Format of saving the data extension in the form of a text string.
- Id: see the "Data extension identifier" configurator
- PmaObject: see the "Target object (PmaAlarmGroup)" configurator
- Template: see the "Alarm template" configurator
- Source: see the "Alarm source" configurator
- bMax1: see the "Check upper limit 1 (HI)" configurator
- fMax1: see the "Upper limit 1" configurator
- bMin1: see the "Check lower limit 1 (LO)" configurator
- fMin1: see the "Lower limit 1" configurator
- bMax2: see the "Check upper limit 2 (HIHI)" configurator
- fMax2: see the "Upper limit 2" configurator
- bMin2: see the "Check lower limit 2 (LOLO)" configurator
- fMin2: see the "Lower limit 2" configurator
- AlarmId: see the "Alarm identifier" configurator
- InactType: see the "Inactivate type" configurator
- MaxH: see the "Hysteresis for upper limits" configurator
- MinH: see the "Hysteresis for lower limits" configurator
See also:
- ExtAlarmBinary (object)
- ExtEvent (object)

Pm8.03.13: New "Inactivate type" configurator. It can beused to for example set the alarms to stay in the state "inactive unacknowledged [blue]" visible (it was not possible before).
Pm8.03.00: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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