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PROMOTIC licence carrier types

If the PROMOTIC application, by its size (number of variables), exceeds the limitations for PROMOTIC freeware:
- PmRtFree - Free runtime licence (up to 30 variables and 10 panels)
then it is necessary to purchase the corresponding PROMOTIC licence in order to continue developing or running the application.

All licence components including the prices are published in the PROMOTIC system pricelist.
The PROMOTIC system licences can be ordered on various carriers.

PROMOTIC licence carrier types:

hwkey - Hardware (USB) licence key

Hardware (USB) licence key is the most commonly used licence carrier. The PmDevProf - PROMOTIC development environment licence is distributed exclusively on this carrier and it is also the most frequently used way of licencing the runtime for PROMOTIC application.
The main advantage of this licence carrier is its mobility – the user can move this licence key as needed from one computer to another.
The PROMOTIC application can access the licences on this carrier either directly (default setting), or via the local PmLicServer licence server
Detailed description of remote application usage via Windows remote desktop using RDP protocol - see PROMOTIC system and Windows remote desktop (RDP)).
The number of running applications is monitored in the RDP mode.

The licences contained in the HW Key can later be extended easily by:
Example of application setup (see Description of keys in the [Licence] section):

swkey - Software licence key (.swk) bound to specific components of the Windows OS

Software licence key (.swk) bound to specific components of the Windows OS contains the software licence. This licence file is non-transferable and bound to specific components of the Windows OS of the target computer.
This carrier is suitable when working via Windows Remote Desktop (using the RDP protocol) and also in situations when for operational or other reasons, hardware key cannot be used - for example when using virtual computers with no access to USB ports see PROMOTIC system and virtual computers.
The PROMOTIC application can access this type of licence carrier directly.
The number of running applications is always monitored.
Example of application setup (see Description of keys in the [Licence] section):

Caution: This PROMOTIC licence carrier type is bound with the Windows operating system of the target computer and cannot be simply relocated from one operating system to another. The change of binding of the licence to the Windows operating system can be done only once every 2 years. In order to change such binding, new carrier (SWK file) must be generated and purchased. The original content of the licences will be transferred to this new carrier (SWK file).

netkey - Network licence key

Network licence key contains network licences and is provided via the licence server PmLicServer. This licence file is bound to a specific PmLicServer licence server.
This carrier is suitable when working via Windows Remote Desktop (using the RDP protocol) and also in situations when for operational or other reasons, HW Key cannot be used
The PmLicServer service can be running on any computer that is accessible (for other computers) in the network and has one free USB port. This USB port is necessary for connecting a HW Key (that contains no licences) that is used for licencing the licence server. One licence server can provide multiple PROMOTIC licences in the network.
The PROMOTIC application can access this type of licence carrier only via the network PmLicServer licence server.
The number of running applications is always monitored.
Example of application setup (see Description of keys in the [Licence] section):

Setting of the licence carrier in the application:
The licence carrier setting for the application is done in the Application.ini file, see Description of keys in the [Licence] section.
For easier access to the configuration use the "Development environment settings" configuration window, see Settings of the list of PROMOTIC licence carriers.

PmLicServer licence server setting:
The PmLicServer licence server is configured in the configuration file PmLicServer.ini and can be operated in two modes:
1) Network mode for accessing the carrier(s): netkey
2) Local mode for accessing the carriers(s): hwkey and swkey

The PROMOTIC application periodically checks whether the licence carrier is available. This is valid for all licence carrier types and all access methods.
If the connection of the application with the licence is interrupted then a countdown starts. During this countdown, the application is still running, but indicates licence connection loss, see Behavior of the PROMOTIC application when the connection with the licence server is lost.

Pm8.02.00: - PmLicServer licence server New type of licence key that allows to manage multiple PROMOTIC licences on a single server.
If this licencing method is used then the PROMOTIC applications do not need to use the standard HW Keys, but they can obtain the licence by means of Ethernet communication with the "PmLicServer" server.
This is very handy if the application are running on a virtual computer, or if there is a large number of licences used in the enterprise.
PROMOTIC 9.0.29 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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