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PROMOTIC network licence

What is the PROMOTIC network licence

In the PROMOTIC system since version Pm8.2.0, there is a new licencing method available - netkey - Network licence key. With this solution the PROMOTIC application does not need the licence HW Key to be present, but the application can use licence that is located on the licence server that is accessible via network connection.
How does the PROMOTIC licence work? There is a designated computer in the company where PmLicServer licence server program is installed. Licence files (.SWK) are then copied to this computer, representing licences for corresponding applications. The licence server, that is operating as Web server, configures itself as service of the Windows OS during the installation - it runs on the backgroud without the need of any specific user being logged in.

The licence server PmLicServer is included in the installation of the PROMOTIC system and can be operated on Windows OS XP and higher. The computer with installed licence server may not be dedicated only for running the licence server itself and can be used also for other purposes. The licence server itself is protected by a special HW Key that serves only for licence server protection and therefore cannot be used individualy (without SWK licence files) for any PROMOTIC application. The licence server is not functional without the corresponding HW Key.

This solution has several advantages copared to other licencing systems:
1st There is no need to install any HW Key on the computer that is running the PROMOTIC application. The USB port of such computer is not used so it may even not be present at all (which is the case of some IPCs).
2nd Compared to the licence in the form of "SW Key with hardware check", the network licence is not bound with a specific computer and can be moved to a different computer easily.
3rd This way it is possible to provide licences to applications running on a virtual computer (VMWare, VirtualBox, VirtualPC etc.)
Once you have the licence server you also need the licence for the specific application. This licence is bound to the specific licence server and therefore cannot be used with another licence server or individually. Single licence server may contain multiple licences for different applications.
The application checks the licence availability on launch and periodically during its operation. The application can be launched on any computer that is connected (by network) to the licence server and therefore is not bound with specific computer.

How to get PROMOTIC network licence

If you want to order new licence(s) it is necessary to define the need of network licence in your purchase order. If this is your first network licence, then you will get:
1st HW Key for licence server. The HW Key is provided by default with the first application network licence. There is no need to purchase it separately.
2nd SW licence bound to the licence server (described above) in the form of SWK licence file.
If this is not the first network licence (the PROMOTIC licence server already exists) then it is necessary to define the licence server number (where the licence will be used) on your purchase order. The price of network licence is identical with licences delivered on HW Keys or SW Keys based on the current pricelist. The PROMOTIC network licence in the form of the SWK file must be copied to the computer with the licence server into the \Licences folder.

How to operate the PROMOTIC network licence

1st Installation and settings of the licence server PmLicServer.
The PmLicServer licence server is included in the installation of the PROMOTIC system. During the installation of the PROMOTIC system just enable its installation and follow the instructions. PmLicServer licence server must be operated with special HW Key for licence server.
2nd Location of the licence file on the licence server.
After the licence server is configured and operating it is necessary to copy there the licence files in the form of SWK files that are bound with the installed licence server. The licence files must be placed into the \Licences folder. There must be a corresponding SWK file for each running application.
3rd Setting of the PROMOTIC application on any computer connected to the network (licence client)
In the PROMOTIC application INI file, it is necessary to add a new key (line) into the [Licence] section:
where netkey means that there is a network licence to be used, http (or https) means standard (or secured) communication protocol. Behind the IP address of the licence server (or its name) there is the port number (5656 by default, can be changed in the configuration file of the licence server) and Pm5555.swk means the name of the licence file (located on the licence server) to be used.
Logged-in Windows user must have the permissions for writing into following files:
- app.ini files of the PROMOTIC application bound to PmLicServer licence server

Extension of PROMOTIC network licence

The PROMOTIC network licence can be extended the same way as other PROMOTIC licence. The customer always gets the new version of the licence file that replaces the original (old) licence file SWK on the licence server.
All licence files are being archived by the manufacturer, but we strongly recommend to backup your SWK licence files for your licence server locally.

Pm8.03.00: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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