CODIS visualization system for remote diagnostics of technological systems of the Czech railway network - Czech Railway Transport Administration
Date of commission: 2014.
Supplier: OHL ŽS, a.s. and Intesys BRNO, spol. s r.o.
CODIS system is designed as a fundamental basis of the remote diagnostics of remote technological diagnostics of Czech Railways. All individual components - from both hardware and software point of view - comly with the SŽDC "TS 2/2008 - ZSE" standard. Among the main goals of the system there is the transmission of technological data ensuring the operability of railway infrastructure, remote control of technological systems from dispatching centres, unified visualization of all diagnostic data and unified maintenance.
The main technological systems integrated into
CODIS are:
- Electrical railway switch heating
- Railway station lighling
- Electrical train preheating
- Electronic fire signalization
- Electronic security signalization
- Energy consumption readouts
- Camera systems, boiler rooms, lifts, passenger info systems, tunnel security systems, etc.
In each railway station, the data from technological systems are gathered by integration concentrators. The integration concentrators are connected into a data network (complying with ČSN EN 60870-5-104 standard) with integration servers. The client overview stations are connected to the servers. There are three client profiles available - dispatcher client, transportation client or energetic client.

CODIS system currently consists of three pairs of redundant integration servers (2x Brno, 2x Přerov, 2x Ostrava, Prague). More than 100 railway stations (integration concentrators) are connected to the integration servers. The overview part consists of more than 40 client stations. Size of the application is more than 450 000 data points.
Dispatching interface
The dispatching interface is used for controlling, monitoring and parametrization of railway station technological systems. The integration concentrator is usually located in the main station office. If the concentrator has a touchscreen interface, then it also works as main local control device.
The main screen of the client station displays a map of the railway network allowing required view. After user login, the screen shows the required connected stations - based on user permissions. There is also an overview/navigation window of connected objects.

Displaying archive data
For the purpose of monitoring and archivation there is a failure signal screen, event log and window for displaying trend in the application.

User reports
There are user reports availble in the application in order to provide energy and technology operation data (e.g. energy reports for invoicing, electrical heating evaluations, ...).