
Simple instructions for communication with AMiT PLC devices by means of the AtouchX object

The PROMOTIC system accesses the AtouchX driver by the PmaActiveX object. This object accesses calling the methods of the AtouchX object and captures its events.

The AtouchX object is available on the, where free download is possible.

The following text describes the setting and basic steps for successfull communication by means of the AtouchX object in the PROMOTIC system. (Czechia,

Installation and settings of the AtouchX object

The complex information to the AtouchX driver is provided by the AMiT company.
The driver is available only in 32-bit version. Since version 293 the "NetPutData" method does not request usage of specific data type of the sent values. This makes it easier to communicate in the JavaScript language.

In order to communicate it is necessary to have the AtouchX object installed in your computer. It is available for free download on the Web of the device manufacturer. Follow the instructions of the installation program.

For those PLC devices that will communicate with by the PROMOTIC application, the programmer of the AMiT devices must create configuration files. The default names of such configuration files are sDBfile.ini, sHWfile.iniand for archives sArchFile.ini.
These contain:
sDBfile.ini: list of devices together with connection parameters
sHWfile.ini: list of variables, the WID number, type, corresponding station numbers and variable description
sArchFile.ini: archive data reading parameters (only if archive data reading is required).

Configuration of the communication in the PROMOTIC system

The configuration files for the AtouchX object must be in the Cfg folder of the PROMOTIC application

In the PROMOTIC application object tree create:

The preconfiguration contains only some of the most commonly used methods of the AtouchX object for read and write the variables in the PLC device and two methods providing information regarding the setup and configuration.
The communication interface consists of designer's methods of the PmaFolder object.
There are both initialization and communication methods. Their names and parameters correspond with the methods and parameters in the AtouchX object.

On the "ActiveX events" tab of the PmaActiveX object there are events (paired with called method names), that can be used for processing the received data from the communication.

Examples calling the methods and processing
Example NetDetData, NetDetDataMtx:
Calling the "NetDetData" method for reading value of a single variable or the "NetDetDataMtx" method for reading data matrix
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var nErr = pMe.Pm("/AmitAtouchX").NetGetData(2314, 100);   // WID, params
// or
var nErr = pMe.Pm("/AmitAtouchX").NetGetDataMtx(1810, 2, 3, 6, 12, 100);   // WID, Row, Col, Rows, Cols, params
Example of data processing in the EndNetDetDataMtx event of the PmaActiveX object
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var val0, val1;
if (Result >= 1024)
switch (WID)
case 2314:
pMe.Pm("/Data/#vars/d2314") = DATA;
case 1810:
val0 = DATA.GetItem(0, 0);
val1 = DATA.GetItem(0, 1);
Example DBGetInfo:
Calling the "DBGetInfo" method for reading information regarding the variable
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var nErr = pMe.Pm("/AmitAtouchX").DBGetInfo(2314);   // WID
Example of calling the "DBGetInfo" method and processing of input/output values of the Array type of the PmaActiveX object
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var oApp = pMe.Pm("../AtouchApp").Acx;
var mInfo = Pm.CreatePmMap();
mInfo.ParValue = Pm.CreatePmArray(1, 5);
var nState = Pm.CallAxMethod("", oApp, "DBGetInfo", nWID, mInfo);
Pm.Debug("return INFO: " + mInfo.ParValue);

Trade terms:
The usage of the PmaActiveX object requires purchase of the "PmDllActiveX" licence. When developing the application in the freeware mode PmFree, or with development environment and while testing it in runtime, this component is always functional.
PROMOTIC 9.0.27 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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