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Database - tab of the PmaDatabase object

Setting the parameters for the work with the database table.
Technologytype of the SW support for an access to database files:
Direct access to table - DAO - suitable for accessing database files (Access, dBase, Paradox, Excel, ...).
Access through ODBC - suitable for accessing the server databases - MS SQL, Oracle, MySQL, Sybase, Informix, .... (not functional methods: FindFirst, FindLast, FindPrev, FindNext, Create, CreateEnd, CreateField, CreateIndex).
Database typeType of the database table according to the required format of the particular database. By means of the selection it can be defined one of the supported database types.
This configurator sets the initial value of the Type property.
Database (file, folder, data source)If the database contains only one table (so-called one-table database, e.g. dBase, PARADOX), then the configurator serves for specifying the path to the folder of files.
If it contains more tables (e.g. Btrieve, Microsoft Access, Excel), then the configurator serves for specifying the file name (possible with the path).
File names it is necessary to enter without the extension. The extra button can list database files.
This configurator sets the initial value of the Database property.
Table (file)If the database contains only one table (so-called one-table database, e.g. dBase, PARADOX), then the configurator serves for specifying the path and name of the database file without the extension.
If it contains more tables (e.g. Btrieve, Microsoft Access, Excel), then the configurator serves for specifying the table name from the database file.
This configurator sets the initial value of the Table property.
UserUser name (only at the user access oriented databases).
PasswordUser password (only at the user access oriented databases).
This configurator sets the initial value of the Password property.
Database logon timeout [sec]Maximum time that the PmaDatabase object is waiting for the connection to the database on the server. If the database connection fails, then the attempt ends with an error - Connect and Open functions returns the false value and an error is written into the INFO system. See SetParam method.
Read onlyIf checked, then the database table will serve for read only, no writing into it is possible on running the application.
Exclusive accessIf checked, then only one user will have an access into the database table. Another user (another PmaDatabase object or other application) can work with the database table after the previous user completes its work.
Open table using the SQL statement SELECTIf checked, then a statement defined in the "SQL statement during opening" configurator in the SQL language syntax will be executed on opening the table.
SQL statement during openingThe SQL statement of the SELECT type in the MS SQL language syntax. Referred table doesn't need to be equal to the table defined in the "Table (file)" configurator. The statement can be selected by the extra button.
This configurator sets the initial value of the OpenSQL property.
Table open modeOpen mode for the database table:
Dynamic query (dynaset) - The user (PmaDatabase object) can read the table (by the ReadFieldValue method), scroll in both directions (by methods Move, FindFirst, etc.), write into it (by the WriteFieldValue method). Changes made by another user (by another PmaDatabase object, another application) in existing table rows (at the moment of opening) are visible even after opening the table. Adding and removing rows by another user aren't visible. Supported by the most ODBC drivers (if the "Database type as ODBC" configurator is selected), the opening time can be relatively longer than the forwardOnly, snapshot options.
Static query (snapshot) - The user (PmaDatabase object) can read the table (by the ReadFieldValue method), scroll in both directions (by methods Move, FindFirst, etc.), he can't write into it. Changes made by another user (by another PmaDatabase object, another application) in existing table rows (at the moment of opening) are not visible. Adding and removing rows by another user aren't visible. Supported by the most ODBC drivers (if the "Database type as ODBC" configurator is selected), the opening time can be relatively less than the dynaset, table options.
Static non-reversible query (forwardOnly) - The user (PmaDatabase object) can read the table (by the ReadFieldValue method), scroll only in one direction (forward) (by the MoveNext method), he can't write into it. Any changes (in existing rows, adding and removing a row) made by another user (by another PmaDatabase object, another application) after the moment of opening are not visible. Supported by the most ODBC drivers (if the "Database type as ODBC" configurator is selected), the opening time can be relatively less than the dynaset, table options.
Table query (table) - The user (the PmaDatabase object) can read the table (by the ReadFieldValue method), scroll in both directions (by methods Move, FindFirst, etc.), he can write into it (by the WriteFieldValue method). Changes made by another user (by another PmaDatabase object, another application) in existing table rows (at the moment of opening) are visible. Adding and removing rows by another user are visible. Not supported by the most ODBC drivers (if the "Database type as ODBC" configurator is selected), the opening time can be relatively longer than the forwardOnly, snapshot options.
Open with SQLPassThroughIf checked, then the SQL statement SELECT is passed without the syntax correction of the PmaDatabase object.
Direct openOpen mode of the PmaDatabase object.
On startDatabase connection and table open mode.
Don't connect the database and don't open the table - The database will not be connected and the database table will not be opened at application launch.
Connect database and open table (the same as the Open method) - The database will be connected and the database table will be opened as well at application launch. See Open method.
Connect database and do NOT open table (the same as the Connect method) - The database will be connected but the database table will not be opened at application launch. See Connect method.
Database connection stands for the operation when the application is connected to the database. By this operation an image of the table data (eventually the SQL query) isn't created in the storage area of the application.
Opening the table means the operation when a set of rows corresponding to the table (eventually to the SQL query) is created in the storage area of the application.
PROMOTIC 9.0.28 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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