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Web server - tab of the PmaDataTable object

The link-up of the object to Web server
Enable as Web componentSpecifies whether this object has to be registered as a Web server component
PmaWeb objectPath in the Pma object tree to the object PmaWeb, PmaWebFolder or PmaWebLang where the registration is carried out.
Macro expression can be used for input (it is evaluated after the application is launched).
Web component identifierSpecifies unique identifier of this Web component.
The full URL address to this component is then for example:
Macro expression can be used for input (it is evaluated after the application is launched).
Show in HTML components listIf checked, then the component will be visible in the component list. Displaying such list is done through the Web object registering this component (Web object PmaWeb, PmaWebFolder or PmaWebLang).
If not checked, then the component will not be visible in the list. But it will be accessible through its Web adress. It is useful for system components (e.g. the data offered to another applications), that are not intended to be choosen from Web browsers.
When displaying the component list in the Web browser this option can be supressed by pressing the Shift key and by clicking the list title simultaneously. At this moment the list is reopened displaying all the components (including system components).
By this tab it is possible to register the object as a component to Web server (i.e. into the PmaWeb, PmaWebFolder or PmaWebLang object).
The client can read the data from this component only if the "WebRead" permission is fullfiled.
The client can write the data only if the "WebWrite" permission is fullfiled.
The client requiring data from this Web component is of the PmDataClient type from the licence point of view.

If the object is registered, then it offers the Web pages in the intranet at URL:

ComputerName - network computer name on which this PROMOTIC application runs.
Port - port set in the PmaWeb object (if the port equals to 80, then it needn't be entered)
ComponentId - if the component is directly registered into the PmaWeb object, then the text is stated here in the "Web component identifier" configurator on this tab. If the component is registered with the PmaWebFolder or PmaWebLang object, then the identifier of this object is here even before, for example, "IdFolder/IdComponent", etc.
Page - page name that is offered by the object. If the page is not set, then the default page will be displayed.

Another offered page is data.xml that offers the data content in the PmaDataTable object as XML data. But these XML data can even have variant format and therefore the fmt parameter has to be entered that specifies the format of offered XML data. The following formats are available:
- data.xml?fmt=full offers XML data inclusive list of variables and for each variable its name and value.
- data.xml?fmt=purevalue offers XML data inclusive only the list of values separated by semicolon.

Thus the Web client has an access to the XML data of the application, it can read the data and write into them. The common client is the Web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, InternetExplorer ...) or another PROMOTIC application. Another PROMOTIC application as the client then makes use of the ReadFromWeb or WriteToWeb methods of the PmaDataTable object.
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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