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Object PmFormat

Object for conversion the value into a text string (and vice versa) according to the specified format.
The format is specified here using the formatting string, see PmFormat object formatting string.
Properties and methods:
Format()Value conversion into a text string
SetFormat()Sets the conversion format
Scan()Text string to value conversion
- This object is functional also in Web panels.

The formatting value can be of the following types:
- Float = real number (i.e. with a decimal point)
- Int = integer
- Bool = value true or false
- String = text string
- DateTime = date and time
- TimeSpan = time span (i.e. value does not contain month and year)

Pm9.00.17: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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