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onEndOfTransfer - event of the PmaData object

The event is triggered after ending the data transfer.
pMe(Object) Reference to the PmaData object where the event rises.
pEvent(Object) Reference to the object describing detailed information about the specific event.
pEvent.Source - (Long) [for reading] Source from which the event is is triggered. Can have the following values:
0 - The event is triggered locally by the EndOfTransfer method. The pEvent.Error parameter is always 0.
10 - The data were written into this object by XML communication. For example in this object the ReadFromWeb method was called or the client (other PmaData object) called its WriteToWeb method.
20 - The data were read from this object by XML communication. For example in this object the WriteToWeb method was called or the client (other PmaData object) called its ReadFromWeb method or Web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, InternetExplorer ...) read this XML data.
1 - The data were written into this object by Socket communication. For example in this object the ReadFromSocket method was called or the client (other PmaData object) called its WriteToSocket method.
2 - The data were read from this object by Socket communication For example in this object the WriteToSocket method was called or the client (other PmaData object) called its ReadFromSocket method.
pEvent.Error - (Long) [for reading] The value of the transfer error:
0 - (XML and socket) Transmission passed successfully
24 - (only XML) Transmission error - Web server is probably is not accessible
33 - (only XML) Software error
40 - (only XML) Operation (for read and write) is not enabled - the client has probably set the sUser or sPassword parameter incorrectly when calling the ReadFromWeb or WriteToWeb method
61 - (only XML) Web server cannot connect to client at URL
62 - (only XML) Web server responded negatively (HTTP status is not 200=OK)
64 - (XML and socket) Received data cannot be saved (probably incompatible formats)
66 - (only XML) The received message doesn't have the required format
1001 - (only socket) The item name is not in the target group list
1006 - (only socket) The item name is the same as another name in the objects list
1007 - (only socket) The system manager cannot hook up
1008 - (only socket) Cannot hook up
1010 - (only socket) The socket manager cannot achieve the target computer
1011 - (only socket) Wrong checksum
1012 - (only socket) Wrong number of the received packet, only with the client and UDP protocol
1013 - (only socket) Socket has been closed, the cause not defined
1014 - (only socket) No data arrived
1015 - (only socket) Less data arrived
1201 - (only socket) Timeout expired
1202 - (only socket) The time for re-opening the socket expired and an error occured
1203 - (only socket) Socket has been closed asynchronously, the cause not defined
values 10000 and higher - (only socket) Standard communication error of the Windows OS. In the case of urgent need to find the error, contact the MICROSYS company.
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if (pEvent.Error)
Pm.Debug("Error onEndOfTransfer Source number=" + pEvent.Source + ", Error number=" + pEvent.Error);
PROMOTIC 9.0.28 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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