![]() | Opens Variable list menu.
Activate the cell mode - Toggles the variable list table from row mode to cell mode. In the cell mode, individual cells of the table can be selected and edited. For more information about row and cell mode, see Basic control of the variable list. This menu option is visible only if the table is in the row mode.
Deactivate the cell mode - Toggles the variable list table from cell mode to row mode. In the row mode, only entire rows of the table can be selected. For more information about row and cell mode, see Basic control of the variable list. This menu option is visible only if the table is in the cell mode.
Export into the XML file - see Data export to the XML text file. Various export types into the XML file are described in Import/Export in the Pma objects editor.
Import from the XML file - see Data import from XML text file
Import from the OPC server - This item is available only in the PmaOpcDaClientGroup object. Opens the "Viewing the OPC server address space" configuration window. On the selected level, it is possible to select multiple variables (using the Ctrl or Shift key), that are then added into this tab.
Maximize tab - Maximizes the variable list tab to the entire development environment. In the maximized state, the Pma objects tree and other tabs of the active Pma object are not displayed. This menu option is visible only if the variable list tab is not in the maximized state.
Cancel tab maximization - Cancels the maximization of the variable list tab and displays the Pma objects tree and other tabs of the active Pma object. This menu option is visible only if the variable list tab is in the maximized state.
Sort - If sorts variables in the alphabetical order by the variable name. The order of variables is changed.
Be careful in cases when variables are accessed not by the name but by index (by the order). Data extensions - Opens the "List of data extensions" configuration window, displaying a list of all found data extensions (defined anywhere in the application), designed for this specific target object (see the "Target object" configurator in the corresponding data extension). |
![]() | Adding one or more new variables.
New variable (empty) - Opens the "Variable" configuration window, where new variable can be added. The valuesof properties of the variable will be empty.
New variable (copy of selected) - Opens the "Variable" configuration window, where new variable can be added. The values of properties of the variable will be copied from currently selected variable.
Multiple new variables - Opens the "Multi items adding" configuration window, where any number of variables can be added. |
![]() | Opens Row/cell context menu.
Edit cell - Switches the active cell to edit mode, in which the cell text can be entered directly.
To exit the edit mode with confirmation of the entered text, press the Enter or Tab key. To exit the edit mode without confirming the entered text, press the Esc key. This menu option is visible only if the table is in the cell mode. Edit variable ... - Opens the "Variable" configuration window in which the selected variable can be edited.
If the table is in the cell mode, then the selected variable specifies the row on which the active cell is located. Cut - If the table is in the row mode, then it removes the selected variables from the variable list and saves the variable data into the Windows clipboard in the XML format.
If the table is in the cell mode, then it removes the text of the selected cells and saves the data to clipboard in the CSV format (the default value separator is the tab character). Copy - If the table is in the row mode, then it copies the selected variables from the variable list into the Windows clipboard in the XML format.
If the table is in the cell mode, then it copies the text of the selected cells into the Windows clipboard in the CSV format (the default value separator is the tab character). Paste - If the table is in row or cell mode and the clipboard contains complete variable data in XML or CSV format,
then it inserts the variables from the Windows clipboard into the variable list after the active variable. If the table is in the cell mode and the clipboard contains data in the CSV format, then it inserts the data from the Windows clipboard into the cells of the variable list table. Delete - If the table is in the row mode, then it deletes all selected variables from the variable list.
If the table is in the cell mode, then it deletes the texts of all selected cells. Delete rows - Deletes all selected rows from the list of variables.
This option can be used if you need to delete entire rows instead of deleting text in the cells of the selected rows. This menu option is visible only if the table is in the cell mode. Copy as ... - Opens the "Copy as" configuration window. After setting the data format and other parameters, the selected data is copied into the Windows clipboard.
Paste as ... - Opens the "Paste as" configuration window, in which the value separator, position and other parameters for pasting the data can be set. It then pastes the data from the Windows clipboard into the variable list.
Find ... - Opens the text search window
Replace ... - Opens the text replacement window. This menu option is enabled only if the table is in the cell mode.
Move - Opens a menu with options for moving the selected rows. You can scroll only one selected row or a continuous range of selected rows.
Select - Opens a menu of row or column selection options.
Show only selected rows - Displays only the currently selected rows in the table of variables.
Other rows will be hidden. The row filter will automatically be set to the system filter $current. Hide selected rows - Hides the currently selected rows in the table of variables.
The remaining rows will remain displayed. The row filter is automatically set to the system filter $current. Show all rows - Displays all rows in the table of variables.
The row filter is automatically set to the system filter $all. Row filter ... - Opens the "Row filter" configuration window, in which you can select, add, delete or edit row filters. After selecting the desired filter, only rows that satisfy the filter condition are displayed in the table of variables. |
![]() | If the table is in the row mode, then it deletes all selected variables from the variable list.
If the table is in the cell mode, then it deletes the texts of all selected cells. |
![]() | Moves selected item one position up. |
![]() | Moves selected item one position down. |
![]() | Switches between row and cell modes of the variable table. For more information about row and cell modes, see Basic control of the variable list. |
![]() | Opens a window for text search. |
![]() | Maximizes/de-maximizes the variable list tab. In the maximized state, the Pma objects tree and other tabs of the active Pma object are not displayed. |
![]() | Opens the "Row filter" configuration window, in which you can select, add, delete or edit row filters. After selecting the desired filter, only rows that satisfy the filter condition are displayed in the table of variables. |
![]() | Opens the "Configuration of columns" configuration window, in which you can select, add, delete or edit the configuration of columns. When the desired configuration is selected, the columns defined in the column list of the given configuration are displayed in the table of variables. |
Name | Name of the variable.
The maximum name length is 80 characters. This is a system name, so it must contain only alphanumeric and must not contain any diacritics (i.e. national dependent characters), empty string, spaces and first character must not be a number. This configurator sets the initial value of the Name property. |
Path | Whole path to PmVar variable. |
Data type | Data type of the variable. This data type is preserved in the variable and written values are converted into this data type.
The exception is the Variant data type - means that the variable preserves the last written value with its data type. Thus even an array can be stored into the variable (not allowed with the PmRtFree licence). |
Value | Here you can define
- either the value (expression), that will be assigned into the variable after the application is launched
- or the data binding to another value.
See Value property and see Data binding of the PmVar object. Macro expression can be used for input (it is evaluated after the application is launched). |
Rounding | If checked, then the value in the variable will be rounded do defined precision on each writing.
It is functional only for numeric data types (Double, Single, Long, Short, Byte). See also Pm.Round. |
Precision | Positive number specifies precision (number of decimal places or whole places) to round the number to. For example:
0.01 = rounding to hundreths
0.1 = rounding to tenths
0.5 = rounding to five tenths
1 = rounding to whole numbers
10 = rounding to tens
25 = rounding to the closest multiple of 25 |
Note | Note for better orientation in the application, applicable through the script interface even in the running application.
This configurator sets the initial value of the Note property. Macro expression can be used for input (it is evaluated after the application is launched). |
Unit | Physical unit of the variable (for example "kWh").
This configurator sets the initial value of the Unit property. Macro expression can be used for input ($.text ..) (it is evaluated after the application is launched). |
Data extensions | Additional Data extensions ca be configured here for alarms, trends, communication, etc. |