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Configuration of columns - configuration window

The window serves for creating, deleting, selecting and editing configuration of columns. The window consists of two parts.
The left part displays a list of column configurations.
The right part is used for editing the properties of the currently selected configuration.

The configuration list contains two system configurations of columns $current and $default, which cannot be deleted, renamed or moved to another position.
The system configuration $current represents the currently displayed columns in the table of variables. This configuration is automatically activated, e.g. after hiding the selected column or after splitting the selected column into sub-columns.
The system configuration $default restores the display of columns in the table of variables to their default form.
All designer-created configuration of columns are stored in the application's INI file and can be used in the variable tables of other Pma objects.

Each configuration of columns contains a list of columns to be displayed in the table of variables.
Each column displays the selected variable property or data extension property.
The first column in the list, which displays the name of the variable, is mandatory and cannot be deleted, edited, or moved to another position.

This configuration window can be opened by the "" button or in the menu "Column context menu > Configuration of columns ..." in the Pma objects editor on the "PmaObject > Data" tab.
Buttons of the configurations list:
Opens the "New configuration of columns" configuration window.
After entering the name and setting the parameters of the configuration, adds the new configuration into the list after the currently selected configuration.
Deletes the selected column configuration from the configuration list.
The system configurations of columns $current and $default cannot be deleted.
Moves selected item one position up.
The system configurations of columns $current and $default cannot be moved.
Moves selected item one position down.
The system configurations of columns $current and $default cannot be moved.
Column configuration configurators:
Configuration nameColumn configuration name.
List of columnsA list of columns that will be displayed in the table of variables.
Opens the "Column" configuration window. After setting the column parameters, adds a new column into the list after the currently selected column.
Opens the "Column" configuration window, in which can be changed the column settings and the property of the variable or data extension property that is displayed in the column.
The first column in the list, which displays the variable name, cannot be edited.
Deletes the selected column from the column list. The first column in the list that displays the variable name cannot be deleted.
Moves selected item one position up.
The first column in the list, which displays the variable name, cannot be moved.
Moves selected item one position down.
The first column in the list, which displays the variable name, cannot be moved.
Opens the "Split column" configuration window, in which can be selected the sub-columns into which the original column will be split.
See also:

Pm9.00.23: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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