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Data import from XML text file - configuration window

Import the list of variables from a text file of the XML type.
Variables on the "Data" tab can be overwritten of newly added.
Import typeThe configurator specifies how the data from the disk file are read into existing application objects, for example, they overwrite the original data (existing objects), new objects are added, etc.
Non-existing objects only - If the object already exists with the same name as the object name in the file, then it is not imported.
If the object does not exist, then it is created and imported. Subobjects are imported.
To existing objects only - It is imported only to existing objects (to objects with the same name and type as the objects in the disk file). It is imported into subobjects of these objects also only if they exist.
To existing objects only, don't create subobjects - It is imported only to existing objects. Subobjects are imported also (if they don't exist, then they are created and imported)
Overwrite - If the object exists (its name and type is the same as the objects in the disk file), then it is imported.
If the object does not exist, then it is created and imported.
Create always new objects - Import always to newly created objects.
Create always new objects with new names - Import always to newly created objects with newly generated names.
If subobjects don't exist, then they are created and then imported.
Remove and create new objects - If the object exists, then delete it first, create a new one and import it.
If the object does not exist, then create and import it.
Remove objects - Remove object and its subobjects
Do not import - It does not import.
Import, only if it is explicitly defined in the file - Don't import, if it isn't specified in the body of the XML document. Otherwise, for example, by using the keyword Import or DefImport.
Select configurationThere can be more data for reading in one XML file, each set of these data is marked as the configuration and during the reading can be selected which configuration is read.
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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