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AddEventTimer - method of the PmaRoot object

Registers a function into the application timer for unrepeated or repeated calling after a defined time period.
Empty AddEventTimer(Long nTime, Long nType, String sFuncId, Function Func)
nTime(Long) Either time period (period or timeout) in milliseconds, after which the function is called
or date and time (Date data type) when the function is called.
nType(Long) Inner timer request type.
0 - (or -1 obsolete) The function will be called repeatedly with defined period (the nTime parameter).
1 - The function will be called once with defined delay (the nTime parameter).
2 - The function will be called once with the specified date and time. This method is not functional in Web panels.
sFuncId(String) Identifier of registered event function.
- Allows removal of the function by the RemoveEventTimer method.
- Prevents duplicate registering of the same function.
- May contain any characters (this is not a system name).
- Must not be an empty string.
- It is recommended to use e.g. the whole path to the Pma object.
Func(Function) JavaScript event function that will be called by application timer.
See also:
The example of repeated (10x) running of the event function executed in two ways. The first approach is to repeatedly register new function for single execution while it is needed.
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function onTick()
Pm.Debug("onTick: tClick=" + Pm.FormatDate(tClicked, 1) + ", nCounter=" + nCounter);
if (nCounter-- > 0)
pMe.Root.AddEventTimer(1000, 1, pMe.GetPathName(), onTick);
var tClicked = Pm.Time;
var nCounter = 10;
pMe.Root.AddEventTimer(1000, 1, pMe.GetPathName(), onTick);
Another approach is to register the function once for repeated execution and then unregistering it after it is no longer needed. Simultaneously executes animation of the object "Ellipse" in the panel.
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function onTick()
Pm.Debug("onTick: tClick=" + Pm.FormatDate(tClicked, 1) + ", nCounter=" + nCounter);
if (nCounter-- < 0)
var tClicked = Pm.Time;
var nCounter = 10;
pMe.Root.AddEventTimer(60, 0, pMe.GetPathName(), onTick);

Pm9.00.25: New option 2 in the nType parameter
Pm9.00.16: New the sFuncId parameter
Pm9.00.09: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.29 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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