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Example: Creates PmForm window with a tree

Example of the tree creation in the script e.g. after pressing the button in the onButtonUp event.
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// Creates PmViewCreator - The object allows to open the various viewers
var sFramePars = "target:_blank;pos:view," + pMe.ViewX + "," + pMe.ViewY + ";size:400,600;";
var oCreator = Pm.CreateView(null, "/#glob/form", "", sFramePars);
oCreator.View.onLoad = onViewLoad;

// Opens form in a modal window:

function onViewLoad(ev)
var oForm = ev.Form;
oForm.Title = "PmfTree";
oForm.AddEvent("onClose", "formclose", onViewClose);
// ----------- Buttons -----------------
// oForm.SysLayoutPos = "bottom";
var oButtLay = oForm.GetItem("$sys", 1);
// button add
var oButt = oButtLay.CreateItem("button", "buttAdd");
oButt.Value = "Add";
oButt.AddEvent("onAction", "butAdd", AddItem);
// button remove
var oButt = oButtLay.CreateItem("button", "buttRemove");
oButt.Value = "Remove";
oButt.AddEvent("onAction", "butRemove", RemoveItem);
// button colapse
var oButt = oButtLay.CreateItem("button", "buttColapse");
oButt.Value = "Colapse";
oButt.AddEvent("onAction", "butColapse", ColapseItems);

// ----------- Tree -------------------
var oTree = oForm.CreateItem("tree", "Tree", null, "");

// tree settings
oTree.BgColor = "#fafafa";
oTree.TextColor = "#0000ff";
oTree.TreeRootVisible = 1;
oTree.BodyFont = "normal normal 700 13px 'Microsoft Sans Serif'";

// tree root
var oRoot = oTree.TreeRoot;
oRoot.Title = "Root";
// oRoot.SetExpanded(1, 1);

// tree items
var oItemA = oRoot.CreateItem("itemA");
var oItemB = oRoot.CreateItem("itemB");
var oItemA1 = oItemA.CreateItem("oItemA1");
var oItemA2 = oItemA.CreateItem("oItemA2");
oItemA2.TextColor = "#ff00ff";

// ---------- Functions ----------
function AddItem(ev)
if (ev.Action == "main")
var oItem = oRoot.GetSel(0);
if (Pm.IsValid(oItem))
var oCreator2 = Pm.CreateView(null, "/#glob/form", "", "target:_blank;pos:top,center;modal:1;");
oCreator2.View.onLoad = function(evLoad)
var oFormDlg = evLoad.Form;
oFormDlg.Title = "Create item";
var oStrId = oFormDlg.CreateItem("string", "txtid", "id", "BodyWidthIni:25;");
oStrId.Value = "itemC";
var oStrTitle = oFormDlg.CreateItem("string", "txttitle", "Title", "BodyWidthIni:25;");
oStrTitle.Value = "title";
var oStrProps = oFormDlg.CreateItem("string", "txtprops", "Property", "BodyWidthIni:25;");
oStrProps.Value = "TextColor:#0000ff;";
oFormDlg.AddEvent("onClose", "formclose", function(evClose) { if (evClose.CloseReason == "ok") { oItem.CreateItem(oStrId.Value, oStrTitle.Value, oStrProps.Value, "pos:last;"); } });

function RemoveItem(ev)
if (ev.Action == "main")
var oItem = oRoot.GetSel(0);
if (Pm.IsValid(oItem))

function ColapseItems(ev)
if (ev.Action == "main")
oRoot.SetExpanded(0, 1);

function onViewClose(ev)
if (ev.CloseReason == "ok")
Pm.Debug("Select item id = " + oRoot.GetSel(0).Id);
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