Type - property of the tvGraph object
View type of trend.
"Linear" (default) - Continuous, data points of the
tvPoints object are connected by single line
"Stairs" - Stairs, data points of the
tvPoints object are connected by horizontal and vertical pointed line
"StairsHoriz" - Stairs, it differs from the previous value thereby that vertical lines are not drawn
"Bar" - Simple bar
"3DBar" - 3D bar
"Const(x)" - Constant function.
x is a real number by which the horizontal line is drawn regardless of whether
tvPoints object has read some data points or hasn't.
Property access
for read and write.
The default value of this property is defined in the "
tvTrend > Graphic mode > Graph type" configurator of this object.
This property is also functional in
Web panels.
When the object is created, the value of this property is copied from the
PmgTrendViewer.GraphInit object.
If the
tvGraph object draws even the
latest, or the
oldest data point from all points read in the
tvPoints object, then the
tvTrend.DrawAfterPointsType and
tvTrend.DrawBeforePointsType properties specify if the
tvGraph object has to draw even the predictive trend
to the future, or
to the past (the predictive trend is possible only at the types
"StairsHoriz" and
"Const(x)" and it means drawing the horizontal line to the future, or to the past).
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard
var oTView = pMe.Items("../TrendView");
var oGraphDef = oTView.Trends("t1").GraphDefault;
var sType = oGraphDef.Type;
// Reading from the property
oGraphDef.Type = "Stairs";
Dim oTView, oGraphDef, sType
Set oTView = pMe.Items("../TrendView")
Set oGraphDef = oTView.Trends("t1").GraphDefault
sType = oGraphDef.Type
' Reading from the property
oGraphDef.Type = "Stairs"