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Licences - tab PmManager

The tab used for PROMOTIC licence management - allows management of the program PmLicServer and of licence key PmSWkeyWIN
Settings and control of the licence server - PmLicServer
Path to the file EXEDisplaying the path to the executable file of the licence server PmLicServer.exe.
Path to the file INIDisplaying the path to the configuration file of the licence server PmLicServer.ini.
Path to the file LOGDisplaying the path to the LOG file of the licence server PmLicServer.log.
Licence server control
Licence server stateDisplays the current state of the licence server, i.e. whether PmLicServer is installed or uninstalled and stopped or running.
Install PmLicServerInstalls the licence server - adds the Windows OS service for the PmLicServer program .
Uninstall PmLicServerUninstalls the licence server - removes the Windows OS service for the PmLicServer program .
Launch PmLicServerLaunches the Windows OS service for the PmLicServer program.
Stop PmLicServerStops the Windows OS service for the PmLicServer program.
Open Web pages of the serviceOpens the Web pages of the service in the default browser Windows OS.
Licence server setup
ProtocolAllows to set the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) on which the internal Web server program will listen to PmLicServer.
Port numberAllows to set the port number on which the internal Web server of the PmLicServer program listens.
Provide network licencesAllows to set whether the licence server will work in local or network mode.
Number of the HW Key that is used to run the licence serverAllows to set the number of the HW Key protecting the licence server in the network mode.
SaveSaves settings of the licence server into the configuration PmLicServer.ini file.
Tool for creating a file with the information necessary for the PmSWkeyWIN software licence key creation.
Save into the filePath to the file where the information for the licence key PmSWkeyWIN is stored.
CreateCreates a fingerprint of the system components of the Windows OS to be used with the software key PmSWkeyWIN and saves it in the selected file.
Available HW Keys:
Tool for displaying a list of available PROMOTIC HW Keys on a given computer.
List of available PROMOTIC HW KeysDisplays a list of available PROMOTIC HW Keys and additional information about each key (licence number and content, HW Key type and settings).
RefreshReloads and displays the list of HW Keys that are currently available on the computer.
CopyCopies the content of the selected row or the whole table into the Windows clipboard.
Save into the fileSaves the content of the whole table into the text file.
HW Key driver:
Allows driver install, uninstall, or enter additional HW Key driver commands.
Path to the driver filePath to the EXE file of the HW Key driver.
Install the driverInstalls the HW Key driver into the Windows OS.
Uninstall the driverUninstalls the HW Key driver from the Windows OS.
Show driver informationOpens a window with information about the current version of the HW Key driver.
Show help for driver commandsOpens a window with help for each command of the HW Key driver.
Open the driver service Web pageOpens the driver service Web page in the default browser of the Windows OS.
Used licences:
Tool for displaying a list of used local PROMOTIC licences (for licence carriers swkey and hwkey licence carriers under RDP).
List of used local PROMOTIC licencesDisplays a list of used local PROMOTIC licences and additional information about each licence (licence number and type, path and time of application launch).
RefreshRe-reads and displays the list of used local PROMOTIC licences.
CopyCopies the content of the selected row or the whole table into the Windows clipboard.
Save into the fileSaves the content of the whole table into the text file.

Pm9.00.21: New configuration windows Available HW Keys, HW Key driver and Used licences.
PROMOTIC 9.0.29 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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