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ImageSrc - property of the PmgButton object

The file name with the path to the image file displayed in the button.
String ImageSrc
Property access for read and write. The default value of this property is defined in the "Picture file" configurator of this object.
It is recommended to always use the path with #pmres: or #appres:.
After writing the pathname of the image file (svg, jpg, png, bmp, wmf ...), this new image will be displayed on the next redrawing the panel (see the PmgObject.Refresh method).
By entering an invalid file or an empty string, displaying the image is suppressed.

This property is also functional in Web panels. Reading this property is functional in Web panels only if this property has been modified previously - i.e. it is not possible to read the value that has been defined only in the "Picture file" configurator.
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var oButton = pMe.Items("/Button");

var sImageSrc = oButton.ImageSrc;   // Reading from the property
oButton.ImageSrc = "#pmres:Img/IconRun1.svg";   // Writing into the property
PROMOTIC 9.0.29 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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