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Installator manager - configuration window

The window serves for creating and managing PROMOTIC installers.
Each installer can contain one or more PROMOTIC versions, one or more PROMOTIC applications, a licence server PmLicServer and other tools and components.
This configuration window can be opened on the "Tools and settings" tab.
Opens a menu with all options.
New installer - Opens the "New installer" configuration window in which the properties of the new installer can be set. The new installer is then added into the list of installers or to the selected installer group.
New installer group - Adds a new installer group into the list of installers or to the selected installer group.
Add version - Adds the new PROMOTIC version to the selected installer.
Add application - Adds a new PROMOTIC application to the selected installer.
Delete - Deletes selected item.
Save - Saves all changes made in the installer manager.
Adds new items.
New installer - Opens the "New installer" configuration window in which the properties of the new installer can be set. The new installer is then added into the list of installers or to the selected installer group.
New installer group - Adds a new installer group into the list of installers or to the selected installer group.
Add version - Adds the new PROMOTIC version to the selected installer.
Add application - Adds a new PROMOTIC application to the selected installer.
Deletes selected item.
Moves the selected item up in the list.
Moves the selected item down in the list.
Saves all changes made in the installer manager.
Configuration windows:
List of installersBasic information about the list of installers
Group of installersSetting the properties of installer group
PROMOTIC installerSetting the properties of the PROMOTIC installer
PROMOTIC versionSetting the properties of the PROMOTIC version installation
PROMOTIC applicationSetting the properties of the installation of the PROMOTIC application

Pm9.00.18: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.29 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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