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Columns - tab of the PmaDataTable object

Definition of table columns.
Configurators of one column:
ColumnsColumn name.
The name must be unique in this table.
The column can then be referred to with column number or with column name. See GetCellValue method.
Data typeData type of the column.
This data type will be preserved in the column variable and the written values will be converted into this data type. The only exception is the Variant data type - means that the variable keeps the last written value including the data type.
Identifier of the row:
In the first column can be selected data type Identifier. Then the values in the first column are used as identifiers of rows. Identifier must be unique in this column. The row can then be referred to with row number or row identifier. See GetCellValue method.
NoteNote for the current column. It has sense only for development environment.
Read onlyIf checked, then the variable in this column can be written only once. See "Read only" columns.
After the application is launched, the table has columns that are defined here. Columns can be changed dynamically (see InsertCol method, RemoveCol method). So the setting on this tab can be regarded as the initial setting of columns.

Maximum number of columns depends on PROMOTIC runtime licence and is: PmRtProf: 65535, PmRtFree: 30 and PmRtXX: XX (for example PmRt100: 100).

"Read only" columns:
Each table cell is counted into the application size for the purpose of licencing. But if a column of table in the PmaDataTable object is marked as "Read only", then the cells in this column are not counted into application size. This allows application designers to use this object for storing non-changing configuration values while the number of licenced variables is kept low. From the functional point of view this means that columns marked "Read only" can be written only once. Limitations of individual methods of the PmaDataTable object caused by "Read only" columns are explained in remark of this method.
Each cell is empty at the beginning. The cell is considered empty also if it contains numeric value 0 or an empty string "". New value can be written into such cell. After writing a non-zero value into the "Read only" column the cell is "locked". "Locked cell" becomes a constant and cannot be written again. Other still "unlocked" cells can be written into as needed. Methods that write into multiple cells simultaneously will write the values only into "unlocked cells" while the content of "locked" cells remains unchanged.
If at least one cell is locked in "Read only" column by writing non-empty value, then the whole structure of the table is locked. Then it is no longer possible to add or remove rows or columns or change the structure of the table. The structure and dimensions of the table must be defined and modified before writing first non-empty value into a cell in "Read only" column.
PROMOTIC 9.0.28 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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