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Parameters for type: Text file (*.ev) - configuration window

The data are saved to disk in the form of a text file with invariable record length (*.ev).
This type of saving is suitable first of all for a local event group (server), when the event group represents a place in the application where event items really arise and they are saved to disk for needs of viewing. The window serves for setting the parameters of backup of a filled data file (events). Always when the file is filled by the specified number of records or when the defined time-range elapsed, it is closed and a new file is created with the name consisting of the backups list file name, the time when the file was created and an extension. This process proceeds so long until the specified the number of files is created. If it is necessary to create next backup but the number of files is already spent, then the oldest backup (file) is removed.
After the application is launched, a time sorted list of all data files is created in the memory based on the current data files with corresponding prefixes present in the specified folder. The sorting is done based on the time information contained in the file name (if the filename time identification fails then the first record is used, or the file modification time is used). Therefore it is acceptable to remove (backup) or add some data files from the folder while the application is not running.
In case of a remote event group (see the "Remote group (client)" configurator), it sets the way of getting the data for the history viewer by file sharing . The simplest way, in this case, is to use the data sharing of an event group by means of the "Remote connection via the Web" configurator where the event history viewer is functional automatically.
Folder for filesPath to the folder with data files (text files *.ev). It is recommended to use the PROMOTIC path syntax - see PROMOTIC path to files or folders. For example #data:Alarm/.
Caution! For each event group (the PmaEventGroup object) different folder should be used. If the backup files of multiple groups are stored in a single shared folder, then at least the prefixes of such files must differ. It means that the individual groups must differ either by the defined folder or file prefix (or both).
File name prefixThe prefix - first part of the file name, for example event_. The whole file name consists of this prefix followed by time string, displaying the time of backup creation, and extension. For exampleevent_2007-01-15_18-45-43.al.
Macro expression can be used for input (it is evaluated after the application is launched).
Note! In the past, there was a complete path to the backup configuraton file (*.evc) here. In this case, the name prefix is taken from the file name in the complete path.
Backup creation is defined by records countIf checked, then the backup (creating new file) is performed on achievement of specified record count.
Backup creation is defined by time spanIf checked, then the backup (creating new file) is performed periodically with the defined period (Every year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second).
Time span
1 year
1 month
1 week
1 day
1 hour
1 minute
The total number of backups is limitedMaximum number of backups files. If this number of files is achieved, then the oldest file is replaced by the newest one.
Text data saved asSpecifies the text data encoding for saving into the file. It concerns primarily diacritic characters saving method.
ANSI = dependent on Windows OS code page - The texts are saved using the national code page based on Windows OS setting. This method does not allow saving multilingual texts coded by different language code pages simultaneously (e.g. English and Russian).
Unicode UTF-8 = independent on Windows OS code page - The texts are saved using the universal Unicode UTF-8 encoding.
This method is independent on Windows OS codepage setting, and also on the application main language setting (see the "Main language of runtime" configurator). This method allows saving multilingual texts coded by differnt code pages simultaneously (e.g. English and Russian).

Pm9.00.00: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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