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Move the selected Pmg objects - configuration window

The window serves for setting the way of moving the selected Pmg objects in the graphics editor. It allows to choose whether the selected Pmg objects should only be moved to the specified position or whether they will be inserted into the target Pmg object or moved in the memory above the target Pmg object.
This makes it easy to create compound Pmg objects or move subobjects between individual compound objects or between compound objects and the PmgRoot object.
This configuration window can be opened in the graphics editor when changing the position of one or more selected Pmg objects. The window opens if editing subobjects is enabled (see (Edit compound objects enabled)) and the active Pmg object has changed its position so that its entire area is over an object other than its original parent object.
Insert into the objectList of objects where the selected Pmg objects can be inserted.
Keep in objectSelected Pmg objects will be kept in the current object and moved to the specified position.
Move in the memory above objectThe selected Pmg objects will be kept in the current object and in addition to changing the position will also move in the memory above the target object.
Create copies of selected Pmg objectsCreates copies of selected Pmg objects and moves them to the specified position or inserts them into the target object.
Object nameAllows to change the names of selected objects, e.g. if objects with the same names already exist in the target Pmg object.

Pm9.00.25: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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