Find | Searched text |
Case-sensitive search | If checked, then the searching for text will be case-sensitive. |
Only whole words | If checked, then only whole words corresponding to serched text will be found. |
Object | Path to the selected Pma object or Pmg object |
Subobjects included | If checked, then the search will also include the subobjects of selected object. |
Filter | Scripts filter by object type
Scripts in Pma and Pmg objects - Scripts of both Pma and Pmg objects will be shown
Only Pma object scripts - Only Pma object scripts will be shown
Only Pmg object scripts - Only Pmg object scripts will be shown |
Start searching | Searching in scripts of selected object will start after pressing this button. Once the search is complete, table with results (found texts) is displayed. |
Save | Save currently edited script. |