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Limit - tab of the PmaNumberLim object

The condition for activating the alarm and triggering the onLimAction event of this object.
Limit valueIf the value in the PmaNumber parent object exceeds the specified limit, then the alarm is activated.
This configurator sets the initial value of the Limit property.
Limit typeSelection of the limit type:
Upper limit - all values greater than the limit value will be alarmed
Lower limit - all values less than the limit value will be alarmed
Fire "onLimAction" eventSpecifies when the the onLimAction event is triggered
Never - The event is not triggered (never)
Passing to the restricted area - The event is triggered if the value before writing is inside the restricted area and after writing is already outside the restricted area
Passing from the restricted area - The event is triggered if the value before writing is outside the restricted area and after writing is already inside the restricted area.
Passing to/from the restricted area - The event is triggered after the conditions defined by the "Passing to the restricted area" and "Passing from the restricted area" are met.
On writing in the restricted area - The event is triggered if the writing value is inside the restricted area.
Alarm activation
Alarm groupName of an alarm group where the activated alarm is written. If the Don't activate alarm option is selected here, then this object will not use Alarm and Event system.
Alarm description (desc)Text (name) of the alarm that is also the alarm identifier.
When the alarm gets inactive acknowledged [green]When the limit is exceeded, it is the activation and when the value returns back, it is the alarm inactivation.
0 = by activation
1 = by inactivation
2 = by inactivation or after acknowledgment
3 = if inactivated and acknowledged
Sound notificationOption if the activated alarm has to be followed by the sound notification as well.
0 = no sound
1 = stop after acknowledgment or inactivation
2 = stop after acknowledgment and inactivation
3 = stop after acknowledgment
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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