
Base64 - text format of binary data

Base64 is an encoding system that converts binary data to a text string, which contains only the basic ASCII characters.
It is used, for example, in the MIME extension for transmission e-mails in the original 7-bit mail system on the Internet.
It is defined in RFC 4648.

Base64 always encodes three octets of binary data using four ASCII characters.
The encoding uses a 64-element character set consisting of upper and lower case letters of the English alphabet, digits and plus ('+') and slash ('/') characters.
If the number of octets of the original data is not divisible by three, then adds one or two equals signs ('=') to the end of the encoded text.
- The length of the resulting string is usually increased by 33%.
- The Base64 encoding is shorter than the HexaString encoding, which uses only 0-9, A-F characters for encoding and which increases the length by 50%.

The usage in the PROMOTIC system:
- The PmBuffer.GetBase64String method serves for creating a text string from binary data.
- The PmBuffer.SetBase64String method serves for creating binary data from a text string.
PROMOTIC 9.0.27 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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