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Multiline - property of the PmfTableCell object

The property returns or sets the displaying of multirow text in the table cell.
If this property is not set, then it takes (inherits) its value from the same Multiline property of the parent object.
Variant Multiline
0 (default) - Displaying the multi-row text is disabled.
1 - Displaying the multi-row text is enabled.
inherit - The property takes its value from the parent object
Property access for read and write.
This method is also functional in Web panels.
To display text on multiple rows, the cell text must contain a new row character ("\n") at the desired location.
Enabling the multi-row text preserves horizontal alignment of the text in the cells (see HorzAlign).
See also:
JavaScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

oCell.Multiline = 1;   // Writing into the property
var nMultiline = oCell.Multiline;   // Reading from the property
oCell.Multiline = "inherit";   // The property takes its value from the parent object

Pm9.00.28: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.28 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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