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Group of users - configuration window

The window serves for setting the parameters of one group of application users (e.g. $ADMIN, $OPER, etc.).
It is opened from the "PmaRoot > Users" tab.
IdentifierUnique identifier of the user group This configurator must not contain an empty string.
DescriptionDescription of the user group. It allows the application designer to enter a note or more detailed description of selected user group.
PriorityUser group priority. Entered as a number in the range 10 - 100.
ParametersAdditional parameters of the user group in KeyVal syntax. The value depends on specific settings of configurators on the "Users" tab. For example if the Windows authentication is enabled then it is possible to enter the name of corresponding Windows group.
wagroup:xx; - Name of corresponding Windows user group has an added "GG." prefix if it belongs to global user group. It has a "LG." prefix if it belongs to local user group.
For example in the user group $ADMIN there will be "wagroup:GG.GPmAdmin;" (means Windows global user group GPmAdmin). If the Windows user is a member of such Windows user group then the created logged-in user will be a member of $ADMIN group.
- The PROMOTIC user is assigned to a user group in the "Belongs to groups" configurator of the user (local and/or net).
- Windows user is assigned to user group based on corresponding Windows user group in the "Parameters" configurator.

Pm9.00.16: New "Priority" configurator
- New "Description" configurator.
- New "Parameters" configurator.
PROMOTIC 9.0.28 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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