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PROMOTIC user - configuration window

The window serves for setting the parameters of one PROMOTIC user.
It is opened from the "PmaRoot > Users" tab.
IdentifierUnique identifier of the user.
This configurator sets the initial value of the PmUser.Id property. This configurator must not contain an empty string.
StoredWay of storing the PROMOTIC user configuration into the file:
PRA - The configuration of these PROMOTIC users is placed directly in the application. These users can be configured only in the development environment (it means that for the possible change, it is necessary to switch to the development mode).
INI - The configuration of these PROMOTIC users is placed in encrypted text in the [Users] section in the INI file set in the "File with users (INI)" configurator. these users can be configured both in the development environment and in the running application by the Pm.WndEditUsers method in the edit user window or by methods Pm.AddUser and Pm.RemoveUser.
PriorityThe user priority in the range 0-100, where 0 means the lowest priority and 100 means the highest priority. The user priority is accessible in the Priority property.
This configurator sets the initial value of the PmUser.Priority property.
The network user priority is very important for network licence management. If a new network user is requesting network licence while no free network licence is available, then the server looks for a network licence occupied by user set to a priority level lower than the new user. If the server finds the lower priority user, then the licence is freed for the new user while the lower priority user is disconnected by the server followed by warning, that the number of licences has been exceeded. If the server cannot find lower priority user connected, then the new user is disconnected with the same warning. This method can be used in order to select specific users (data communication between two applications or system administrator) that will be always prefered by the system.
Login nameUnique name under which the user will log in (it can differ from the identifier). Spaces and diacritic (i.e. national dependent characters) are allowed.
This configurator sets the initial value of the PmUser.Name property.
TypeFlag that defines local and/or network user. The user can be set as local and network simultaneously.
This configurator sets the initial value of the PmUser.Type property.
Local user - The user controls directly the application from the computer on which the application runs. It is supposed that an authorized user will provide critical operations in the login state (it means that he will be logged on from his arrival to the computer or he logs on before protected operations in the application).
Network user - The user is connected to the remote application (e.g. the network browsing trends, alarms, events etc. over the HTTP protocol).
Local user + Network user - Creating a local and network user simultaneously, where the login name, password, priority or group membership is common. If there is a need for a network user / local user with the same login name to differ (e.g. in password, priority or group membership), then it is necessary to create two independent users (local and network) with different identifier, but the same login name.
Authentication - PasswordFlag defining whether the login name and password will be required. It is not relevant for the local user, that always requires the login name and password entry.
PasswordUser password for user authentication.
Authentication - IP addressFlag if the IP address of the network user has to be checked.
IP addressIP address (in the numeric format) that the network user must have (e.g.
Belongs to groupsA list of user groups, the user will belong to.
Each user can be in more groups at the same time. This concept allows to perform the quick appointment of new user into the individual groups on the staff change according to his/her working assignment and changes in other parts of the application are not needed.
Permission defines for each component the permissions of local and/or network users of current application.
For the network user it is possible to enable its authentication by the login name and password and/or it is possible to enable the user's identification by its IP address. It is possible to enable the network access via the Web by means of the PmaWeb object to many components of the PROMOTIC system (INFO system, Data, Alarms and Events, Trends, panels, etc.).
PROMOTIC 9.0.28 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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