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How to display help texts in running application

The following text describes how to display help texts in the running application (in runtime) that are written in the following formats:
- File with the HLP extension. This is an obsolete but still used format in which the documentation is structured. The file contains multiple text documents that are identified by numbers. The HLP file can be created, for example, by means of the Microsoft Help program, etc.
- File with the CHM extension. This is a structured documentation. The file contains multiple HTML documents that are identified by paths. The CMH file can be created, for example, by means of the Microsoft HtmlHelp program, etc. The whole PROMOTIC system documentation (file PromoticEn.chm) is written in this format.
- File with the HTM extension. This is an HTML document consisting of a single page.

1) Global settings of the help file:
In the PmaRoot object there is the "Runtime helps path" configurator. If you want to use only one CHM (HLP) file in the application, then it is advisable to enter the path to it here. For the PROMOTIC electronic documentation, the path, for example, C:\Promotic\PmVXXYY\PromoticEn.chm would be entered here.

2) Configuration of help for specific panel:
In the PmaPanel object there is the "PmaPanel > Panel > Panel help topic" configurator. The identifier of the internal document can be entered here that is displayed if you press the key F1 in the panel (if it is active). The CHM file the path (in case of HLP, the number) to the internal document is entered here. For example, if you want to display the description of the PmaData object in the PromoticEn.chm, then it would be the path: /pmdoc/Objects/Promotic/PmaData/Desc.htm. (To make it work, must be set the configurator from step 1).

3) Opening the help in the script:
You can open the specific help page by the Pm.ShowHelp method.
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// The case when the configurator from the step 1) does not have to be set
Pm.ShowHelp("C:\\Promotic\\PmVXXYY\\PromoticEn.chm", "/pmdoc/Objects/Promotic/PmaData/Desc.htm");
// Case when the configurator from the step 1) must be set
Pm.ShowHelp("", "/pmdoc/Objects/Promotic/PmaData/Desc.htm");
4) Opening the help in the script, another method:
The help can be also opened by the Pm.ShellExecute method. For example:
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Pm.ShellExecute("open", "PromoticEn.chm", "", "C:\\Promotic\\PmVXXYY", 3);

It is possible to set how the help appears (maximized, normal, etc.), but the internal document cannot be entered. It is rather suitable for viewing one HTM document.
PROMOTIC 9.0.28 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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- How to display help texts in running application
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