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Settings of the list of PROMOTIC licence carriers - configuration window

Creating and editing a list of PROMOTIC licence carriers for the development environment and for runtime environment.
This list specifies the order of licences to be searched and used when the PROMOTIC system is launching (for the development environment or for runtime environment).
If the list is empty, then the default licence carrier hwkey (Hardware (USB) licence key) is used.
This configuration window can be opened in the "PROMOTIC settings" window.
AddAdds a new item to the end of the list. Licence carrier type can be set for each item. For some types the licence number and licence server address can also be defined.
DeleteRemoves the selected item from the list.
UpMoves the selected item one position up in the list. This changes the order of licences - this licence comes to use sooner.
DownMoves the selected item one position down in the list. This changes the order of licences - this licence comes to use later.

Pm8.03.03: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.28 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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