SNMP checkSum error

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SNMP checkSum error

Postby chucky1 » Sat 07. Mar 2015 13:50:05

Pri citani z SNMPv1 agenta je packet spracovany s checkSum error. Packet nacitany v logu spravne, ale vyhodnoteny ako Bad checkSum. Prikladam log. Verzia Promotic8.3.3
SNMP agent posiela hodnotu 1 integer
Comment: SNMP error
Date and time: 07.03.15-12:53:51
Path: "COMM/PmSNMP_0"
Item: "Statistic"
0 - No.OK Acknowledged
0 - No.OK ReceiveData
0 - No.BAD Msg (see COMM/Error)
0 - No.BAD ReceiveData
9 - No.BAD CheckSum
ERR=0 .. No error occurred - Last Received Comm Error:
9 - Number of Master run messages (inc. repeated)
0 - Number of Slave run messages
0 - Number of repeated messages
- Internal statistic:
9 - No. OnReceive: OK
0 - : Err
0 - : Closed
0 - : Blocked
9 - No. OnSend: OK
0 - : Err
0 - : Closed
0 - : Blocked
0 - No. OnConnect: OK
0 - : Err
0 - No. OnClose
0 - No. Rcv bytes deleted

Item: "State"
----------------------- - Network address
161 - TCP/UDP port number
UDP - Ethernet transfer type
0 - Number of repeats after unsuccessful transmission
Disconnected - State
/Kotolna/kotol1/lanRestarterElektraren - PmComm path

Item: "Monitor"
Purge: ClearRx
Port connect
Start Tx: 49 Bytes
Tx: 048 = 30H = '0'
Tx: 130 = 82H
Tx: 000 = 00H
Tx: 045 = 2DH = '-'
Tx: 002 = 02H
Tx: 001 = 01H
Tx: 000 = 00H
Tx: 004 = 04H
Tx: 006 = 06H
Tx: 112 = 70H = 'p'
Tx: 117 = 75H = 'u'
Tx: 098 = 62H = 'b'
Tx: 108 = 6CH = 'l'
Tx: 105 = 69H = 'i'
Tx: 099 = 63H = 'c'
Tx: 160 = A0H
Tx: 130 = 82H
Tx: 000 = 00H
Tx: 030 = 1EH
Tx: 002 = 02H
Tx: 001 = 01H
Tx: 001 = 01H
Tx: 002 = 02H
Tx: 001 = 01H
Tx: 000 = 00H
Tx: 002 = 02H
Tx: 001 = 01H
Tx: 000 = 00H
Tx: 048 = 30H = '0'
Tx: 130 = 82H
Tx: 000 = 00H
Tx: 017 = 11H
Tx: 048 = 30H = '0'
Tx: 015 = 0FH
Tx: 006 = 06H
Tx: 011 = 0BH
Tx: 043 = 2BH = '+'
Tx: 006 = 06H
Tx: 001 = 01H
Tx: 004 = 04H
Tx: 001 = 01H
Tx: 129 = 81H
Tx: 133 = 85H
Tx: 071 = 47H = 'G'
Tx: 003 = 03H
Tx: 001 = 01H
Tx: 000 = 00H
Tx: 005 = 05H
Tx: 000 = 00H
Start Rx: >254 Bytes
Stop Rx: 55 Bytes, reason=0=OK
Rx: 048 = 30H = '0'
Rx: 130 = 82H
Rx: 000 = 00H
Rx: 051 = 33H = '3'
Rx: 002 = 02H
Rx: 001 = 01H
Rx: 000 = 00H
Rx: 004 = 04H
Rx: 006 = 06H
Rx: 112 = 70H = 'p'
Rx: 117 = 75H = 'u'
Rx: 098 = 62H = 'b'
Rx: 108 = 6CH = 'l'
Rx: 105 = 69H = 'i'
Rx: 099 = 63H = 'c'
Rx: 162 = A2H
Rx: 130 = 82H
Rx: 000 = 00H
Rx: 036 = 24H = '$'
Rx: 002 = 02H
Rx: 004 = 04H
Rx: 000 = 00H
Rx: 000 = 00H
Rx: 000 = 00H
Rx: 001 = 01H
Rx: 002 = 02H
Rx: 001 = 01H
Rx: 000 = 00H
Rx: 002 = 02H
Rx: 001 = 01H
Rx: 000 = 00H
Rx: 048 = 30H = '0'
Rx: 130 = 82H
Rx: 000 = 00H
Rx: 020 = 14H
Rx: 048 = 30H = '0'
Rx: 130 = 82H
Rx: 000 = 00H
Rx: 016 = 10H
Rx: 006 = 06H
Rx: 011 = 0BH
Rx: 043 = 2BH = '+'
Rx: 006 = 06H
Rx: 001 = 01H
Rx: 004 = 04H
Rx: 001 = 01H
Rx: 129 = 81H
Rx: 133 = 85H
Rx: 071 = 47H = 'G'
Rx: 003 = 03H
Rx: 001 = 01H
Rx: 000 = 00H
Rx: 002 = 02H
Rx: 001 = 01H
Rx: 001 = 01H
Port disconnect
Purge: ClearRx
Posts: 1
Joined: Sat 07. Mar 2015 13:10:10

Re: SNMP checkSum error

Postby Petr Návrat » Fri 24. Apr 2015 9:06:19

Ano tuto chybu jsme řešili a je opravena v právě uvolněné verzi Pm8.3.4.
Prosím zkuste to.
Budu rád pokud mi dáte vědět zda je to OK.
Petr Návrat
Posts: 79
Joined: Thu 13. Dec 2012 14:32:08

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