[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/session.php on line 214: htmlspecialchars(): charset ` 'slug' argument is not empty, then it is checked to see if the term * is invalid. If it is not a valid, existing term, it is added and the term_id * is given. * * If the taxonomy is hierarchical, and the 'parent' argument is not empty, * the term is inserted and the term_id will be given. * * Error handling: * If $taxonomy does not exist or $term is empty, * a WP_Error object will be returned. * * If the term already exists on the same hierarchical level, * or the term slug and name are not unique, a WP_Error object will be returned. * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @param string $term The term to add or update. * @param string $taxonomy The taxonomy to which to add the term. * @param array|string $args { * Optional. Array or string of arguments for inserting a term. * * @type string $alias_of Slug of the term to make this term an alias of. * Default empty string. Accepts a term slug. * @type string $description The term description. Default empty string. * @type int $parent The id of the parent term. Default 0. * @type string $slug The term slug to use. Default empty string. * } * @return array|WP_Error An array containing the `term_id` and `term_taxonomy_id`, * WP_Error otherwise. */' not supported, assuming utf-8
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/session.php on line 216: htmlspecialchars(): charset ` 'slug' argument is not empty, then it is checked to see if the term * is invalid. If it is not a valid, existing term, it is added and the term_id * is given. * * If the taxonomy is hierarchical, and the 'parent' argument is not empty, * the term is inserted and the term_id will be given. * * Error handling: * If $taxonomy does not exist or $term is empty, * a WP_Error object will be returned. * * If the term already exists on the same hierarchical level, * or the term slug and name are not unique, a WP_Error object will be returned. * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @param string $term The term to add or update. * @param string $taxonomy The taxonomy to which to add the term. * @param array|string $args { * Optional. Array or string of arguments for inserting a term. * * @type string $alias_of Slug of the term to make this term an alias of. * Default empty string. Accepts a term slug. * @type string $description The term description. Default empty string. * @type int $parent The id of the parent term. Default 0. * @type string $slug The term slug to use. Default empty string. * } * @return array|WP_Error An array containing the `term_id` and `term_taxonomy_id`, * WP_Error otherwise. */' not supported, assuming utf-8
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/session.php on line 87: htmlspecialchars(): charset ` 'slug' argument is not empty, then it is checked to see if the term * is invalid. If it is not a valid, existing term, it is added and the term_id * is given. * * If the taxonomy is hierarchical, and the 'parent' argument is not empty, * the term is inserted and the term_id will be given. * * Error handling: * If $taxonomy does not exist or $term is empty, * a WP_Error object will be returned. * * If the term already exists on the same hierarchical level, * or the term slug and name are not unique, a WP_Error object will be returned. * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @param string $term The term to add or update. * @param string $taxonomy The taxonomy to which to add the term. * @param array|string $args { * Optional. Array or string of arguments for inserting a term. * * @type string $alias_of Slug of the term to make this term an alias of. * Default empty string. Accepts a term slug. * @type string $description The term description. Default empty string. * @type int $parent The id of the parent term. Default 0. * @type string $slug The term slug to use. Default empty string. * } * @return array|WP_Error An array containing the `term_id` and `term_taxonomy_id`, * WP_Error otherwise. */' not supported, assuming utf-8
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/session.php on line 129: htmlspecialchars(): charset ` 'slug' argument is not empty, then it is checked to see if the term * is invalid. If it is not a valid, existing term, it is added and the term_id * is given. * * If the taxonomy is hierarchical, and the 'parent' argument is not empty, * the term is inserted and the term_id will be given. * * Error handling: * If $taxonomy does not exist or $term is empty, * a WP_Error object will be returned. * * If the term already exists on the same hierarchical level, * or the term slug and name are not unique, a WP_Error object will be returned. * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @param string $term The term to add or update. * @param string $taxonomy The taxonomy to which to add the term. * @param array|string $args { * Optional. Array or string of arguments for inserting a term. * * @type string $alias_of Slug of the term to make this term an alias of. * Default empty string. Accepts a term slug. * @type string $description The term description. Default empty string. * @type int $parent The id of the parent term. Default 0. * @type string $slug The term slug to use. Default empty string. * } * @return array|WP_Error An array containing the `term_id` and `term_taxonomy_id`, * WP_Error otherwise. */' not supported, assuming utf-8
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/session.php on line 130: htmlspecialchars(): charset ` 'slug' argument is not empty, then it is checked to see if the term * is invalid. If it is not a valid, existing term, it is added and the term_id * is given. * * If the taxonomy is hierarchical, and the 'parent' argument is not empty, * the term is inserted and the term_id will be given. * * Error handling: * If $taxonomy does not exist or $term is empty, * a WP_Error object will be returned. * * If the term already exists on the same hierarchical level, * or the term slug and name are not unique, a WP_Error object will be returned. * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @param string $term The term to add or update. * @param string $taxonomy The taxonomy to which to add the term. * @param array|string $args { * Optional. Array or string of arguments for inserting a term. * * @type string $alias_of Slug of the term to make this term an alias of. * Default empty string. Accepts a term slug. * @type string $description The term description. Default empty string. * @type int $parent The id of the parent term. Default 0. * @type string $slug The term slug to use. Default empty string. * } * @return array|WP_Error An array containing the `term_id` and `term_taxonomy_id`, * WP_Error otherwise. */' not supported, assuming utf-8
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/session.php on line 1685: htmlspecialchars(): charset ` 'slug' argument is not empty, then it is checked to see if the term * is invalid. If it is not a valid, existing term, it is added and the term_id * is given. * * If the taxonomy is hierarchical, and the 'parent' argument is not empty, * the term is inserted and the term_id will be given. * * Error handling: * If $taxonomy does not exist or $term is empty, * a WP_Error object will be returned. * * If the term already exists on the same hierarchical level, * or the term slug and name are not unique, a WP_Error object will be returned. * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @param string $term The term to add or update. * @param string $taxonomy The taxonomy to which to add the term. * @param array|string $args { * Optional. Array or string of arguments for inserting a term. * * @type string $alias_of Slug of the term to make this term an alias of. * Default empty string. Accepts a term slug. * @type string $description The term description. Default empty string. * @type int $parent The id of the parent term. Default 0. * @type string $slug The term slug to use. Default empty string. * } * @return array|WP_Error An array containing the `term_id` and `term_taxonomy_id`, * WP_Error otherwise. */' not supported, assuming utf-8


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