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Importing localized texts - configuration window

Parameters used for importing localized texts from text file of the CSV type are defined in this window.
This configuration window can be opened by the "Import" button in the "Localized texts manager" window.
Load from the filePath to the file on the disk that will be used for loading localized texts.
Separator of valuesIt is used for selection of the character representing separator of values in the CSV file.
Loading methodIt is used for setting additional parameters for importing localized texts.
Delete existing texts and import new texts - All existing texts in currently selected file of localized texts will be deleted and replaced by new imported texts.
keep existing texts and import new texts - All existing texts will be kept in currently selected localized text file and new imported texts will be added.
Importing items with duplicate IdSpecifies how new items that have the same identifier as existing items will be imported.
keep the existing item, do not import the new item - The existing item will be kept unchanged in the file and the new item with identical Id will not be imported.
Delete existing item, import new item - Existing item will be deleted and new item with identical Id will be imported.
keep existing item and merge languages of both items - The existing item will be kept in the file and the new item with identical Id will not be imported and both texts will be merged. Texts in language that is present only in existing item will be kept unchanged. Texts in language that is present only in new item will be added into the existing item. Texts in language that are present in both items will be in existing item replaced by texts of the new item.
keep existing item and change the identifier of the new item - Existing item will be kept in the file unchanged and the identifier of new item will be changed so it is unique in the framework of the file.

Pm8.03.11: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.29 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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