Description of the "Warnings" item in the INFO system.
The content of the
Warnings item can be viewed
in the INFO system. This item can be selected from the tree of the INFO system in the left part of the INFO window.
In the
Warnings item, there is only one tab so far, named
Obsolete. On this tab, the
obsolete components used in the application are being displayed. Some of these obsolete components may not be functional in further PROMOTIC versions. The designer can transfer these obsolete components into new concepts.
Description of the "Obsolete" tab
On this tab, you can see the warnings regarding the obsolete PROMOTIC system components. If the designer is willing to upgrade to a higher PROMOTIC version, then it is necessary to transform the obsolete components to newer concepts. The content of this tab is
is filled in after the application is launched in runtime, i.e. after pressing the
(Launch application runtime).