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Description of the "PmaRoot > Licences" tab in the INFO system of the development environment

Content of the "Licences" tab can be seen in the PmaRoot item in the INFO system of the development environment
The tab is displayed for any object selected in the Pma object tree in the left part of the window.

The tab contains information regarding the licences of the selected Pma object including all its subobjects.
SummarySummarized information regarding the total number of variables and graphic panels that are contained in selected Pma object, or in the whole application.
Used licencesList of all licences used in selected object including all its subobjects.
Optional licencesList of optional licences suitable for current configuration of the application. This item is visible only on the "Licences" tab of the PmaRoot object.

Pm8.03.14: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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