
DisplayName - property of the ExtTrend object

Name of displayed variable.
String DisplayName
Property access for read and write. The default value of this property is defined in the "Displayed name of the trend" configurator of this object.
If this property was not set by the configuration, then it returns the value of the Name property.
The value entered here is used as initialization value for the trend viewer (for the PmgTrendViewer object). This value is entered in the following property: tvTrend.Name.
Examples for obtaining this property in the script.
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

sDisplayName = pMe.Pm("/data/#vars/Temperature/#ext/trend").DisplayName;

// or
sDisplayName = pMe.Pm("/data/#vars/Temperature").Extension("trend").DisplayName;

// or
sDisplayName = pMe.Pm("/data").Item("Temperature").Extension("trend").DisplayName;
The example for obtaining this property by Macro expression from another data extension via pVar variable.

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PROMOTIC 9.0.27 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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