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Multiple new variables - configuration window

The window serves for setting the option of adding multiple new variables. The new variables will all have the same name, differing only by the numeric index at the end of the name.
This configuration window can be opened by the " > Multiple new variables" button on the "Data" tab.
The number of new variablesThe number of variables that will be added into the variable list.
Index the variable names fromThe index at the end of the name, that will be used for the first created variable. Each subsequent variable will have the index at the end of the name one higher than the previous variable.
Create copies of the active variableIf checked, then all new variables will be created as a copy of the active variable. The values of all properties and lists of data extensions will be copied to the variables.
Insert new variablesSpecifies the position in the variable list where the new variables will be inserted.
after the active row - New variables will be inserted after the active row.
before the active row - New variables will be inserted before the active row.
to the beginning - The new variables will be inserted to the beginning of the variable list.
to the end - The new variables will be inserted to the end of the variable list.
to specified position - The new variables will be inserted to the specified position in the variable list.
PositionThe position in the variable list (row index) where the new variables will be inserted.
After filling up this window, the "Variable" configuration window for entering parameters of created variables opens.

For the data configuration in the PmaOpcDaClientGroup object, it is more comfortable to add multiple variables by direct selection from the OPC server. This is done by the "" button and selecting "Import from the OPC server".
See also:

Pm9.00.23: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.29 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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