
Setting the parameters of PROMOTIC licence carrier - configuration window

It is used for setting up the licence carrier type and the licence number and licence server address (if needed).
Licence carrier typeIt is used for setting the licence carrier type, see PROMOTIC licence carrier types.
hwkey - key containing development or runtime licence - The licence (development or runtime - unspecified) is carried on PROMOTIC HW Key.
hwkey:dev - key with development licence - The development licence is carried on the PROMOTIC HW Key.
hwkey:rt - key with runtime licence - The runtime licence is carried on the PROMOTIC HW Key.
hwkey:kXXXX - key with licence number XXXX - The licence with a specific number is carried on the PROMOTIC HW Key.
swkey - SWK file bound to computer hardware components - The licence is carried in the licence file SWK bound to computer hardware components.
netkey - SWK file bound to licence server - The licence is carried in the licence file SWK bound to licence server.
no - no licence carrier - The freeware licence PmFree - Free development environment and runtime licence of the PROMOTIC system is used.
Licence numberIt is used for setting up the licence number for licence carriers of types: hwkey:kXXXX, swkey and netkey.
Licence server addressIt is used for setting the licence server address for licence carriers of the netkey type.

Pm8.03.03: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.27 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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- Setting the parameters of PROMOTIC licence carrier
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